Amalek is the grandson of Esaw/Edom – a nation who’s greatest sin was murder. Hitler’s goals in his own words: “In a […]
Hashem and The Bnei Yishmael
It is known that Hashem created a great nation from the Zera Yishmael. It should also be known that Avraham Avinu gave […]
The Alter Rebbe and The Miracle of Nature
“At every moment, in each thing, a miracle occurs far transcendent of even the splitting of the Red Sea: Existence is renewed […]
Tzad Ha-Shalom
The Hebrew word Side (צַד) has the Gematria of 94. When you have both sides together, you have פקח – the Gematria […]
Sinat Ḥinam leads to Sinat Yisrael
The Jews, who discriminate against other Jews, are actually more evil since they’re making a hypocrisy out of the Torah. This issue […]
מצוות לגור בארץ
According to contemporary terminology the word “Aliyah” (עלייה) referred to Ascension upon the holy land. It didn’t imply being a citizen of […]
Mesorah from Rebbi Akiva to Rambam
Rabbi AkivaRabbi MeirRabbi Shimon Ben ElozorRabbi Shmuel Bar NaḥmanRabbi HalboRabbi BerachyoRabbi AmmiRabbi ZeiraRav Huna HaSheiniRav Huna Bar HinnanaRav Acha Bar HunaRavina TevyomiRabba tosfahRabba […]
Commentary on Bamidbar 21:10
הֲמִן־הַסֶּ֣לַע הַזֶּ֔ה נוֹצִ֥יא לָכֶ֖ם מָֽיִם “Can we draw water for you from this rock?” (Bamidbar 21:10) The Arvei Nahal taught that the […]
Tzniut (צניעות)
If the Physical Universe is equivalent to “tinted windows ” or barriers that separate us from Hashem’s infinite power, via the act […]
Duality: Hashem Created Two
The Torah gives us even more ideas of this duality in life. Hashem is our G-d, and Hashem is One. Now, in […]