Giyus: An Insult to Bnei Torah
Question: Why are there so many Haredim who are against Giyus into the army? Answer: The very fact that a government, that […]
Understanding the Torah through 613 Commandments and 7 Noahide Laws
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Question: Why are there so many Haredim who are against Giyus into the army? Answer: The very fact that a government, that […]
A fake peace deal with the world’s worst Antisemites AKA Amalek (עמלק) will not result in anything good in the long run […]
According to some Rabbanim, The Torah should have started with the commandments to be an instruction manual. Why does it start with […]
It’s hard to classify a קהילה as being more observant than another because every קהילה has its own unique things. Some בעלי […]
Wearing red has a significance for the Nation of Yisrael. Red (אדום) has the same letters as the name “Edom” (אדום). The […]
“Make for yourself a Rabbi” -Mishnah Avot 1:2 A good Yid named Yosef Aleksander Zusha told a story about how there was […]
A common myth about Roman Catholicism is that, somehow, the Antisemitism, ceased to exist and was instead replaced by a tolerant theology […]
The direct letter of the Torah is “Bet” – the second letter of the Hebrew Alefbet. The Story of Creation discusses the […]
Introduction: Bishul Akum is related to the concept of Pat Akum but has some differences. Both are Gezerot that we received from […]
Question: What is the difference between Mainstream Orthodoxy and Modern Orthodoxy? Response: There are fundamental social divisions that exist among the People […]