Hashem can cause things to move or stop. The emanations of Hashem is how he expresses his awesomeness. The goodness of Hashem […]
Taryag VeSheva > Mysticism
How the world runs on Ḥesed
One of the three things that upholds the world is the collection of Acts of Giving Kindness. In Hebrew, this is called […]
An Understanding of Idolatry from The Perspective of The Torah
The Greek words combined from Eidolo + Latreia (image/idol + worship) give us the word “Idolatry”. The Christians and Muslims use this […]
Tiqqun Olam Mamash — תיקון עולם ממש
The repairing of the world. In Hebrew, this is called “Tiqqun Olam” – תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם. This term has been used out of […]