Pirkrei D’Rebbi Eliezer said that in the end of days, the evil wicked Antisemitic Anti-Torah crowds of Yishmaelim will join forces with […]
A Ceasefire is Immoral
The ceasefire is immoral because it incentivizes the enemies to continue to progress in their ability to murder more people later. Therefore, […]
אהבת הארץ
Parshat Shlakh is the Parshah where 12 Israelite scouts/spies came to the land of Canaan, and 10 of them spoke poorly about […]
God Hates Palestine
After the Romans had colonized the Land of Israel, they decided to change its name from Israel to Palaestīna. Since then, “Palestine” […]
Valuing Life: The Idealogy of Israel vs Hamas
A Jew would go out of his way to merely save a Jewish baby. We value life. We live for Hashem.The evil […]
Not For A Second
Why is it that after a Peace Music Festival that ended with the deaths of hundreds by the hands of Hamas, did […]
The Egg at The Seder Table
One should wonders wh there’s an egg (בֵּיצָה) sitting there on the Seder table. Let us analyze the uniqueness of the egg. […]
The differences in the Takhlis of Yisraelim and Einei Yisraelim
Everything has a purpose even if its purpose is to be destroyed. Rabbi Chaim Zimmerman said that the Takhlis (purpose) of Klal […]
Criticism of Ariel Sharon ימח שמו וזכרו from the perspective of The Torah
When a Jewish leader makes the highlight of his career based on letting Hamas take over Gaza after forcibly removing Jews from […]
Monotheism vs Polytheism
The Theology of Monotheism ascribes all things as having had the same origin. Thus, good and evil have their origin from this […]