The Egg at The Seder Table

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > The Egg at The Seder Table

The Egg at The Seder Table

One should wonders wh there’s an egg (בֵּיצָה) sitting there on the Seder table.

Let us analyze the uniqueness of the egg. Unlike all other things, the egg becomes hard if boiled. Thus, the egg is the opposite of everything else. Likewise, the Jew is seen as the opposite of the other nations of the world.

This can be explained through the following. During the early 1900’s, Jews were associated with change and progress which includes the opposition to racism. The National Socialists (Nazis) wanted to rid Europe of its Jews. The leader of the Muslims in Yerushalayim was the Grand Mufti ימח שמו וזכרו who was friends with Hitler ימח שמו וזכרו. This demonstrates how the now-called Palestinian Nationalist cause is associated with the oppressive, racist ideology of Aryan supremacism and White Colonialism. Such horrific ideologies were becoming pervasive among Aryans and Arabs.

Now, fast-forward to the future, the nations of the world become interest in quite the opposite of Aryan Supremacism and White Colonialism, and our enemies are using the world of Liberalism to oppose us. The same people who supporting and sympathizing for the Nazis became the same people who claim that us Jews are “racist”.

One could see this real-life example of an analogy of what makes the egg different from anything else when boiled. The Jew is like the ביצה.

Now, on a spiritual note, the egg could be something of esoteric, mystical significance.

The Egg could represent the spiritual potential of something that has not hatched yet. The Jew is like the egg because even today, the spiritual potential of the Jew is growing and developing before it’s final form – the full redemption of the Jewish people with the temple rebuilt, with national unity, with Mashiaḥ, and with absolute faith in Hashem as the only One. Even the wings of this spiritual eagle have not fully developed yet.

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