Bir Yahudi için Tanrı’nın tanrısallığına – Haşem’e (اسم الله) (kısaltılmış H”) inanmak önemlidir, ancak bu, birinin Tora’ya inanması için yeterli değildir çünkü […]
El es uno y no hay otro
Es importante para un Judío creer en la divinidad de Hashem (H”), pero eso no es lo suficiente para hacer a alguien […]
Isaiah vs The Notzri
Christian missionaries try to manipulate the chapters of the Bible in order to teach a fake theology. The most common of these […]
הוא אחד ואין אחר
It is important for a Jew to believe in the divinity of God – Hashem (H”), but that is not enough to […]
אהבת הארץ
Parshat Shlakh is the Parshah where 12 Israelite scouts/spies came to the land of Canaan, and 10 of them spoke poorly about […]
God Hates Palestine
After the Romans had colonized the Land of Israel, they decided to change its name from Israel to Palaestīna. Since then, “Palestine” […]
Valuing Life: The Idealogy of Israel vs Hamas
A Jew would go out of his way to merely save a Jewish baby. We value life. We live for Hashem.The evil […]
Kalev Ha-Yehudi
Kalev was born when his father, the grandson of Yehudah, was elderly that died soon after. 40 years earlier, Moshe Rabbeinu was […]
When Hashem created the scenario of the Babylonians exiled us, it is the opposite of what a divine punishment looks like. The […]
The Founders of The Church
A Noahide said the following: “Even as an Ex-Christian looking back at it, even though I was only a Methodist when I […]