How Oriental Idolatry has Altered its Form

Taryag VeSheva > Avodah Zarah > How Oriental Idolatry has Altered its Form

How Oriental Idolatry has Altered its Form

The worship of the Sun, Moon, and Stars became the quintessential aspect of Idolatry. This devolved into Hinduism which directly influenced the movements Buddhism, Taoism, and the modern movement of Theosophy. From Theosophy, we have Anthroposophy which created Eurhythmy which gave us the modern “Brain Gym” which is considered pseudoscience according to neuroscientists.

Tibetan Medicine is influenced by Indian Buddhism. From the Westernization of Tibetan Medicine, we have Kinesiology and many subsequent movements including “Touch For Health” which directly influenced “Brain Gym”.

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