The differences in the Takhlis of Yisraelim and Einei Yisraelim

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The differences in the Takhlis of Yisraelim and Einei Yisraelim

Everything has a purpose even if its purpose is to be destroyed.

Rabbi Chaim Zimmerman said that the Takhlis (purpose) of Klal Yisrael is to do the act of Tiqqun Ha-Nefesh (תקּון הנפש) – rectifications of the spiritual realms – things that pertain to things like theology and Mitzvot. Now, for the Einei Yisraelim is a little bit different because their Takhlis is to do Tiqqun Ha-Guf (תקּון הגוף) – rectifications of the Physical Realms which include the sciences.

Of course, in the end times, Yaakov would be on the edge of the reign of Esaw. Thus, it would make sense that many Jews, in recent generations, would be contributing to advancements even in the realm of physical sciences such as Physics and Astronomy, and it would even make sense that Jewish people woud have a substantial influence in the world.

Yehudim are subject to the will of Hashem [directly] as opposed to being the subject of the will of the angels as represented in the the heavenly bodies/stars – Mazaloth and Kokhavim. An Idolater is called an Akum (עכו”ם) because his Avodah (עבודה) is to these heavenly bodies and not Hashem Himself. Thus, they are called עובדי כוכבים ומזלות. If a Jew does not have a connection/relationship with Hashem, then he has the status of an עכו”ם. Avraham Avinu was above these nations of idolaters and was thus taken above the stars.

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