Are The Jews the Smartest Nation in The World?

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Are The Jews the Smartest Nation in The World?

There’s no way to classify a people as being smarter, in all ways as another people. And IQ is just one of many possible measuring tools to determine intelligence level.

Scientists have hypothesized why they think that Ashkenazi Jews are the most intelligent people in the world, but no conclusive evidence has been proven to be the determining factor. In the Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah, three scientists wrote a paper called Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence which suggests numerous ideas as to why Ashkenazi Jews have an above average IQ rate out of any other ethnic group including selective breeding based on intelligence and a less foreign DNA coming in. The latter can be easily debunked with the 80% inter-marriage rate in the US. And the Israeli society doesn’t demonstrate itself to be one where everyone is of excellent intelligence. Rather, any observer would notice a decline in Jewish intellect.

Perhaps, one could see that many other nations are of lower intelligence especially when it comes to the gentile belief in the Trinity. The Nations of The World would rather be Catholics or Hindus than consider the possibility that the National Testimony of the Nation of Israel (receiving the Torah) as being actually true. Maybe the educational standards of many secular Jews has led to this.

However, are Jews becoming smarter? After all, there’s a fair number of Ethnically Japanese and Korean people learning the Talmud due to the fact that they think that it makes Jews smarter. Many of them also focus on other secular studies such as mathematics and science.

The Nobel Peace Prize Winners and Technological inventors of Israel do not represent the majority of the populace which has a lesser understanding of political discourse beyond arguing about why they dislike Bibi, Right-Wing parties, or the Haredim. They result in using ad hominem that imply that their opponents are stupid or racist. The latter term has been over-used by those who claim to advocate for social justice while supporting the murder of Jewish babies.

But is there any evidence that Talmudic society is becoming smarter? Is the mere act of learning the same Gemara as everyone else going to increase the level of intelligence? And what is the end goal of the people who do happen to be learning the current sugya in the gemara? Being like everyone else, with no intellectual competition, does not sound like a growth in IQ. In fact, it sounds like a decline…

The culture of groupthink and the hive-mind mentality has led to less Jews reasonably challenging popular ideas. In fact, many Jews, in America and Israel, seem to just hop on popular bandwagons. The Jewish Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump movements were merely trend-followers on social media including Paleo-Conservative and Liberal sites on the internet. Even the latest movement by the secular Israeli left (Spring 2024) is about trying to challenge Bibi by saying that he’s not doing enough to rescue the Jewish hostages and thus support Gantz who would only be able to do what Bibi is able to do in the current situation. The entire argument is based on trying to make up an excuse to despise a politician who is not a Right-Wing Extremist.

If the goal of modern Jewry is just to merely create more of them (more learners or more Liberal advocates) than the goal isn’t to improve the quality of Israel but rather the quantity. And having a moral compass based on manipulated guilt isn’t the basis of why someone would logically deduce the truth. Rather, it uses a much simpler part of the mind.

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