Satanism and Paganism
Question: Is עבודת השטן or a philosophy? Response: Introduction The literal Satanists are those who worship, you guessed it, Satan. It isn’t […]
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Question: Is עבודת השטן or a philosophy? Response: Introduction The literal Satanists are those who worship, you guessed it, Satan. It isn’t […]
The Political sphere uses the term “Western” country often to refer to the dominant political forces in the developed world which tend […]
Each soul has its characteristics which can be described from our tradition via the story of the creation of man. When Hashem […]
Why is it that after a Peace Music Festival that ended with the deaths of hundreds by the hands of Hamas, did […]
It was 50 days from when the Bnei Yisrael left Mitzrayim (יציאת מצרים) until they received the Torah (קבלת התורה) via Moshe Rabbeinu. […]
One should wonders wh there’s an egg (בֵּיצָה) sitting there on the Seder table. Let us analyze the uniqueness of the egg. […]
Everything has a purpose even if its purpose is to be destroyed. Rabbi Chaim Zimmerman said that the Takhlis (purpose) of Klal […]
When a Jewish leader makes the highlight of his career based on letting Hamas take over Gaza after forcibly removing Jews from […]
The Nes (Miracle) against the attack of Iran (Persia) was an unprecedented miracle. One can already find the article written by a […]
Persia has been a continuously existing nation since ancient times. Variations of the Persian (Farsi) language have existed since ancient history, and […]