After Adam Ha-Rishon was expelled from Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden), he saw how each day was becoming shorter than the […]
The Essence of The Godsent People
“The Jews are The Chosen People”. This is a statement that many have heard and a fair number believe in, but do […]
The Esoteric Nature of The Letter “Alef”
The near-end of the tractate of Niddah describes the spiritual experience of the fetus in the womb. The Talmud says that the […]
The National Testimony on Har Sinai
If a person has a belief, does it ever occur to that person where it comes from? Was it a tradition that […]
The Walks of Life
Life – attraction in the particles within atoms cause multiple atoms to bond together creating molecules which eventually [come together to create] […]
Sheidim: The Origin of Demons
The time between clear day and night is called Bein Ha-Shmashot (בין השמשות). It is defined by having 2 medium-sized stars out […]
The Alter Rebbe and The Miracle of Nature
“At every moment, in each thing, a miracle occurs far transcendent of even the splitting of the Red Sea: Existence is renewed […]
Duality: Hashem Created Two
The Torah gives us even more ideas of this duality in life. Hashem is our G-d, and Hashem is One. Now, in […]
Monotheism and The Understanding of Good and Evil
The Torah promote the understanding of One G-d. How this affects the dichotomic nature of the universe is more perplexing. Therefor, expounding […]