Wearing red has a significance for the Nation of Yisrael. Red (אדום) has the same letters as the name “Edom” (אדום). The […]
Your Soul is a Spark From G-d
Life – the attraction of subatomic particles within atoms causes multiple atoms to bond together creating molecules which eventually come together to […]
Yishmael and The Spread of Tumah
The Bnei Yishmael accepted most if the impurities of the world. His half-brothers (Bnei Qeturah) were given Gifts/Names of Impurities. Avraham sent […]
The Proliferation of Good and Evil
Hashem can cause things to move or stop. The emanations of Hashem is how he expresses his awesomeness. The goodness of Hashem […]
On the Topic of Gehenom
Now, does the tradition of Yisrael believe in the concept of Gehenom? Yes, we do. Now, it is not what the Christians […]
The Name “Yehudah”
The unification of Yud and Hey with Vav and Hey create the ineffable Holy Name of G-d. The Dalet, when added into […]
Elements of The Soul
Each soul has its characteristics which can be described from our tradition via the story of the creation of man. When Hashem […]
Neshamot: Insights to Meditation
The Hebrew word for breathing is Neshimah – נְשִׁימָה. The Hebrew word for the soul is Neshamah – נְשָׁמָה. The נְשָׁמָה is […]
Nefesh Ibbur: Shemini Atzeret and Shiddukhim
The Neshamah of Yid goes to the next world. We know this already, but what about that spark that is the Nefesh? […]
Lilith: The Origin of Demonic Femininity
Sefer “Alpha Beta de-Ben Sira” states that when Adam Ha-Rishon was born, Hashem made him a partner in the same manner that […]