The Hebrew word Side (צַד) has the Gematria of 94. When you have both sides together, you have פקח – the Gematria […]
Mesorah from Rebbi Akiva to Rambam
Rabbi AkivaRabbi MeirRabbi Shimon Ben ElozorRabbi Shmuel Bar NaḥmanRabbi HalboRabbi BerachyoRabbi AmmiRabbi ZeiraRav Huna HaSheiniRav Huna Bar HinnanaRav Acha Bar HunaRavina TevyomiRabba tosfahRabba […]
Social, Political, Cultural Suppression in Contemporary Jewish Society
I was introduced to the term “Social Supression”, which uses words I already know, by a Modern-Orthodox Chabadnik from . This term […]
Who Were The Philistines?
The Table of Nations, in Genesis 10, states in Hebrew with regard to the descendants of Mitzrayim. Literally, it says that those whom Mitzraim begat […]
Debunking the Khazar Theory
The Khazar Theory suggests that Ashkenazic Jews are descendants of converts to Judaism. This theory doesn’ take into consideration many significant facts […]
Criticism of Modern-Orthodoxy
In the 1800’s, the Orthodox Jews of Germany were adapting more to the ever-so changing industrial society and were incorporating those norms […]
The Miracle of Ḥanukkah
If there was enough oil for one night of Ḥanukkah, then why is the first night celebrated? After all, it was going […]
Bnei Keturah and Asarah Shvatim
In Genesis Chapter 25, before the passing of Avraham Avinu, we learn that Avraham had children with a concubine named “Keturah” (קְטוּרָה). […]
Tiqqun Olam Mamash — תיקון עולם ממש
The repairing of the world. In Hebrew, this is called “Tiqqun Olam” – תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם. This term has been used out of […]
Kharedim and The Jewish Question in Israel
Haredi Population Tops One Million Hared (חרד) is the Hebrew word for “tremble” in relation to those who tremble before G-d. It implies […]