Question: Why are there so many Haredim who are against Giyus into the army? Answer: The very fact that a government, that […]
Unnecessary Collective Classification
It’s hard to classify a קהילה as being more observant than another because every קהילה has its own unique things. Some בעלי […]
The Real Difference Between Mainstream Orthodoxy vs Modern Orthodoxy
Question: What is the difference between Mainstream Orthodoxy and Modern Orthodoxy? Response: There are fundamental social divisions that exist among the People […]
Praise The King, Not His Pawns
There has been an unfortunate trend to worship sociopolitical leaders many of whom are Akum. This is a horrible trend that has […]
Criticism of The Hashkafa of Yaakov Shapiro
לזכר נשמתצבי בן אלכסנדר הכהן הי”ד R” Kahane Z”L said that some Jews have a hatred against Medinat Yisrael that is so […]
The Double Standards of Gerushin Among Modern-Orthodox Jews
There is a Double Standard in regards to Mitzvot and Hashkafot that exist among the Modern-Orthodox Jews in The United States. The […]
Understanding the Rabbinic Perspectives on Giyus
The controversial topic of Giyus is a very significant topic that should be understood in-depth not only in its idealistic but also […]
The Pogrom in Holland
Yom Ha-Shishi – Parshat Lekh Lekha – 5785 Because of something as simple as Yehudim and Goyim kicking a ball, the wicked […]
Tzionism and The Current Situation in Eretz Yisrael
The secular establishment of Israel is using the current situation involving the conflicts, between Jews and Radical Islamic terrorists, as an excuse […]
The Concept of Teshuvah
Teshuvah (תשובה) is the act of reconnecting with Hashem. Some people are not on the highest plane of reality where their holiness […]