Fact – something that can be proven to be true.Legend – a story that lacks authenticity. To claim a fact to be […]
The Rebbe-Talmid Continuum
The Torah is a tradition that’s been passed down from generation to generation. The elders transmitted it to the next set of […]
UFOs and Extraterrestrials
For decades, there have been many conspiracy theories about Aliens from another Earth-like place. Now, recently, there have been more revealed on […]
Tekufat Edom
We live in the era where Edom has dominion over the world, but this isn’t new because they were already here in […]
G-d and Time
“For a thousand years are in Your eyes like yesterday, which passed, and a watch in the night.” -Tehillim 90:4. It makes […]
Brightening the Darkened Kingdoms
Polytheism, Pantheism, and Atheism stem from the spiritual confusion that the Nations of The World have acquired through their lack of a […]
Adam Ha-Rishon and The Origin of Pagan Traditions
After Adam Ha-Rishon was expelled from Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden), he saw how each day was becoming shorter than the […]
Dogmatic vs Pragmatic
“Dogma” – a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as irrefutably true. The word “Dogmatic” refers to a person […]
The Essence of The Godsent People
“The Jews are The Chosen People”. This is a statement that many have heard and a fair number believe in, but do […]
Parshat Mikeitz: Chanukkah
In this week’s פרשה, the entire family of Yaakov Avinu venture into the foreign land of Mitzrayim. This is the פרשה that […]