The secular establishment of Israel is using the current situation involving the conflicts, between Jews and Radical Islamic terrorists, as an excuse […]
Rejoice, Oh Israel
“When the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy” – Proverbs 11:10 Every single real Jew was happy to hear that Sinwar, […]
To Refute The Heretic
Many people knowingly believe in the heretical ideas found amongst the Akum. This is because they’ve been manipulated and lied to by […]
The Concept of Teshuvah
Teshuvah (תשובה) is the act of reconnecting with Hashem. Some people are not on the highest plane of reality where their holiness […]
Notes on Pat Akum (Part 1)
The Halachic issue of inter-marriage is something that the sages of blessed memory had to deal with, and they enacted stringencies to […]
Yishmael and The Spread of Tumah
The Bnei Yishmael accepted most if the impurities of the world. His half-brothers (Bnei Qeturah) were given Gifts/Names of Impurities. Avraham sent […]
The Unholy Union
Pirkrei D’Rebbi Eliezer said that in the end of days, the evil wicked Antisemitic Anti-Torah crowds of Yishmaelim will join forces with […]
The Proliferation of Good and Evil
Hashem can cause things to move or stop. The emanations of Hashem is how he expresses his awesomeness. The goodness of Hashem […]
The Reaction to The Diminished Value
“Secularism has no moral foundation” -Berel Wein Ha-Rav During the first two thousand years of civilization, the world lacked the Torah. Paganism […]
On the Topic of Gehenom
Now, does the tradition of Yisrael believe in the concept of Gehenom? Yes, we do. Now, it is not what the Christians […]