The Greek words combined from Eidolo + Latreia (image/idol + worship) give us the word “Idolatry”. The Christians and Muslims use this […]
Bnei Keturah and Asarah Shvatim
In Genesis Chapter 25, before the passing of Avraham Avinu, we learn that Avraham had children with a concubine named “Keturah” (קְטוּרָה). […]
אין עוד מלבדו
The following post was written based on the shiurim of Rabbi Daniel Glattstein. The number 111 is the number פסוקים in פרשת […]
End Times: The Bnei Edom and Bnei Yishmael
What’s next in our journey to salvation and redemption? What’s stopping us from gaining the traction we need? Edom and Yishmael. The […]
The Consequences of Normalizing Rare Halakhot
The normalization of the abnormal is the problem in modern society. Some of the things that various non-major “rabbanim” promote that makes […]
Morality: A Jewish Perspective on Ethics
Introduction Morality refers to the knowledge of right and wrong. This very idea opens up a huge pool of ideas. It opens […]
Tiqqun Olam Mamash — תיקון עולם ממש
The repairing of the world. In Hebrew, this is called “Tiqqun Olam” – תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם. This term has been used out of […]
The 3 Categories of Gittin
IntroductionThe common logic of the conventional, recognized cultures of today conflicts with the Jewish understanding of marriage and divorce. Most Jews don’t […]
Criticism of The Jewish Prenup
The controversial views pertaining to the topic of Agunot requires an understanding of historical context. In the 1880’s, the secular establishment/government of […]
Kavod L’Moredet: How Feminism led to the Shmad of Schools and Gezeirot on Klal Yisrael
Some proclaimed rabbis have openly supported secular legislation that promotes “Pro-Get” Laws. In the Left-Wing-influenced State of New York, the government also […]