Some people are the architect of their own habits. Those very same habits can normalize certain behavioral patterns for that person. If […]
Shidduchim: Appearing Holier Than Thou
Appearing “holier than thou” is in contrary to having good Middos, so in writing a Shidduch resume it may be good to […]
Hearing the Call (מוסר קשה)
From my time in every From Frum Birth community (which prior to this month included being in a Khassidish communities more than others), I […]
Genesis: War of Kings
The person called “אַרְפַּכְשַׁד” was one of kings in the story Avraham’s “War of Kings” (בראשית), and he was at war with […]
Hashkafot on Gerushin, Child Custody, and Child Support
Note: The perils of divorce is an emotionally difficult subject for the most spiritually sensitive of people. Anecdote Ha-Rav Menashe Klein wrote […]
Siyyum on Nedarim
At the end of this Gemara, the sages initially said that there’s 3 types of women that are considered divorce without the […]
Refutation of The Movements Forcing Gittin
The trends of American Modern-Orthodoxy have promoted No-Fault Divorce in the areas of Halakhah. specifically Dayanut (דיינות) – justice. This has created […]
Corrupted Judges (דַיָּינֵי מושחתים)
Photo by Chris Ryan / Getty Images If one wants to know why tragedies befall the Jewish nation, maybe the Nation of […]
Is Gerushin an aveirah?
The perplexity of this question is grand because we all know that the concept of divorce is mentioned in the Torah (Devarim […]