The Essence of The Godsent People

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > The Essence of The Godsent People

The Essence of The Godsent People

“The Jews are The Chosen People”.

This is a statement that many have heard and a fair number believe in, but do they understand what this really means? The nature of saying Sh’ma Yisrael is about revealing the Oneness of Hashem to Aam Yisrael (the Nation of Israel) who then relays this message to the rest of the other nations on the Earth. Through this, the very essence of Aam Yisrael reveals that our alleged reality is a state of falsehood which can not exist without His Oneness. The continuous existence of the Jewish people is a living testimony to the Almighty.

The falsehood of the world comes from the misunderstanding of the divine which results in the malpractice of worshipping the divine. This, consequently, leads to the rise in materialism and immorality. Idolatry, Partnerships, and Polytheism are grand forms of expressing falsehood because they are forces that are meant to serve as a distraction from the higher form truth. In the case of idolatry, the evil of it comes from the establishment of the idea that the physical world is intrinsically holy as opposed to the idea that certain items can be elevated (to become holy) as part of connecting us to Our Creator. The object can not have the status of God-like object because it is merely an object used in a ritual. Theological “Partnerships” often involve the idea of a person or angel being in some type of theological union with the Almighty. This theology is inherently corrupt because it implies that a man or machine can have the status of being part of God even though they were made to be separate from the Almighty Himself. If there is no other god but Hashem (Deuteronomy 4:35), then that means that He has no partner. His Oneness is perfect, for He has no “parts”. A human requires different parts of his body to function in order for that human to be alive, but Hashem is above this type of multi-part existence. Hashem, through His own perfection, is above the normal existence to which we call “reality”.

The inherit corruption of Polytheism comes from the misunderstanding of the nature of [what we perceive to be] different powers in the universe. The celestial bodies, natural occurrences, and miraculous events are qualities of the Greatness of God. Since they appear as different things, many people have misinterpreted these things as different gods. Thus, the celestial bodies (angelic forces) have idols associated with them because the people of the Earth became corrupted by this misunderstanding of the Oneness of God. This is how ancient civilizations acquired practices via astrology and idolatry.

Mitzrayim (Egypt) was the epitome of impurity. The 10 Plagues in Egypt was to challenge the supposed Godhood of the Pharo (פַּרעֹה) – a king whose subjects believed that he was the descendant of a deity. Mitzrayim was also known for Qishuf (כִּשׁוּף) – illusion-casting. The idolatry and כִּשׁוּף of Mitzrayim was a distraction from man’s desire to connect to the Almighty. Hashem revealed His Greatness by showing how His Power is triumphant over the idolatry and כִּשׁוּף of Mitzrayim.

God continued to reveal His Greatness to all of Aam Yisrael via the Splitting of the Sea and Giving of The Torah. More than half a million Israelites witnessed these miraculous events and have passed down the details of these events to their children who then passed it down from generation to generation constantly and continuously.

The revelations of His Oneness was the pinnacle of greatness for the Jewish people. These are the essence of our tradition. These traditions are founded on the spiritual epitome of mankind because of their authenticity in understanding greater spiritual awareness of The Creator to which no other group of people can claim. Thus, any opposition to The Torah or Aam Yisrael is, essentially, the suppression of truth itself.

The evil Inclination wants to separate us from our Torah because the Torah is the antidote for dealing with the evil inclination. All oppositions to the mass revelation of Torah are suppressive forces as they inhibit higher thought. The opposing forces (against the Torah) include the distractions caused by corrupted values, the misusage of technology, and wicked people.

There are elements of non-Jewish values which are disassociated from anything that’s compatible with Torah. These values come from societies who place an emphasis on things that are devoid of anything that pertain to holiness. Technology has created the ability to speed-up the process of creating these distractions as well as propagating them. The estates of mass media and propaganda are meant to redirect people’s minds away from the truth. Technology can be used for promoting Torah values en masse, but like everything in this world, it’s a double-edged sword.

Any nation or group of people dedicated to destroying Aam Yisrael are trying to destroy the living testimony of truth itself. This is the essence of Antisemitism. The original Antisemitism was brought into being because of the intense holiness that is the connection with Hashem which led to the Splitting of The Sea and the Giving of The Torah.

The Amalekim understood that the Jews had a good connection with Hashem. Amalek is the grandson of Esav, whose angel is the Samekh-Mem – Kokhav Edom (Mars), the Evil Inclination, the Prosecuting Angel, the Angel of Death, the Destroyer, and the father of all demons. The Amalekim would thus want to exterminate us for having this unadulterated connection with Hashem. They did so soon after the Splitting of The Sea which was a grand, divine miracle that was applied to the Jewish people. Thus, we can conclude that Amalek, does have an innate desire to destroy any relationship with Hashem that exists in this world. That relationship is with Aam Yisrael. The Amalekim want to destroy Aam Yisrael because Yisrael had a covenant with Hashem which applies to all of Yisrael’s descendants and all of the people who join(ed) the covenant.

The Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) are another threat to Aam Yisrael. The Erev Rav were – Baalei Qishuf (בעלי כישוף) – masters of illusion-casting. They joined Aam Yisrael from Mitzrayim even though Hashem instructed Moshe Rabbeinu not to let them join Aam Yisrael. These בעלי כישוף were the ones that were involved in the creating the Sin of The Golden Calf. They created an illusion that there could be an idol that could be partnered with God. Their descendants are the Jews who wish to pull other Jews en masse from the Torah. Such Jews may include the founders of Reform Judaism.

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