Shabbat vs The Idol of Harvesting

Taryag VeSheva > Avodah Zarah > Shabbat vs The Idol of Harvesting

Shabbat vs The Idol of Harvesting

On Shabbat, I heard two Jews conversing on the topic of the stringencies that involve the prohibition of harvesting on Shabbat. One of them claimed that some of these stringencies are beyond normal comprehension and actually have a mystical reasoning behind the aforementioned stringencies. The topic of harvesting is one of them.

Shabbat is the holy day of the week, but what defines a week? It’s a set of seven distinct days within the same unit of time. The idolaters worshipped angels which were represented by the celestial bodies in the sky. Thus, astrology is related to idolatry.

Each day of the week had a different celestial body that was not part of a constellation. Sunday was the worship of the sun, Monday was the worship of the moon, but on Saturday, it was the worship of Saturn. This was the idol associated with harvesting.

Saturn is one of the celestial bodies that represents negative energy associated with dissolution and destruction which are [both] the essence of harvesting. The Nation of Israel counteracts this negative energy by not doing the 39 prohibited activities of Shabbat. These 39 activities are all based on creative and/or destructive energy.

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