Rav Meir Kahane on Giyus Banot

Taryag VeSheva > Halakhah > Rav Meir Kahane on Giyus Banot

Rav Meir Kahane on Giyus Banot

The spectrum of opinions on the topic of Tzionism and Giyus are relevant in some of the ideological differences between the people identified as “Charedim” and those identified “Dati Leumi”. Rav Meir Kahane, whose 33rd Yartziat is tonight, did not fall into either of these two seemingly distinct categories.

Rav Meir Kahane was interested in the creation of a Jewish State but not for the secular nationalist interests that were common among Haskalah-era Chilonim. At the same time, Meir Kahane did not adhere to the Modernist values of the Dati Leumi.

In Sefer “The Jewish Idea”, Rav Meir Kahane said that it’s an Issur D’oraysa (Torah Prohibition) for noshim to serve in the army. This would even include the cases of מלחמת מצוה such as getting rid of עמלק. His basis was that it could lead to immorality. The Rav believed that moral clarity was important for victory in the army.

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