Tuned In?

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > Tuned In?

Tuned In?

In recent years, there has been a great spiritual force that is growing. People are starting to wake up to the אמת. The mundane status quo isn’t cutting it anymore. Despite the fact that there are many Jewish who spent most of their lives not believing in the Borei Olam, many are starting to. With all of the attention that all Jewish topics have in the media, you think it wouldn’t be a wake up call for those not standing? It’d be absurd for a non-Observant Jewish man to not believe that he is part of something significant given how mentioned we are. There are many well-known Jewish people that were artists of major comic-book characters, famous rock stars, and many famous political philosophers (on all sides of the spectrum), and there is the existence of an Israelite-majority state. Clearly, the Hebrews are an eternal people. 

You think, by now, that most Jews would be “tuned in”? Well, many are and many aren’t. So it’s no wonder that people of every major world religion and of every major political power have some mention of the Jewish people. It can’t all be a coincidence. Right? The fact that even the ones that are card-carrying Liberals are starting to realize that a large portion of the outside world isn’t safe for them. The fact that we are targeted by both Whites and Blacks, Christians and Muslims, Nazis and Commies, etc. shows that the Goyim are aware of our existence. We’re not just any other nation. Even they know it. You think the Holocaust was a mere tragedy. It’s more or so a bigger wake-up call that shocks all the generations that lived through it and all those born after it.

When Winston Churchill said that Jews think “differently” than other people, that is not an insult. You know, he’s probably right. So for a Jewish father to not pass down his divine inheritance or not bring his kids to a real Jewish school is an insult to the Creator. I’ve even met people who didn’t even realize their parents were Jewish because that information became deemed irrelevant by the parents. The Americas catered to people who wanted to forget about their previous culture in Europe, and this is what spiritually killed millions of Jews. We can only hope for the best even if we should prepare for the worst. 

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