Torah: The Divine Light

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Torah: The Divine Light

Ascending to a higher level of spirituality is a product of dveykut (דבקות) – bonding to HaShem.

 I once saw the word “Aura” which refers to the light around a person. It’s the Yekish-Ashkenazic pronunciation of “Orah” (אוֹרָה). The Aura/Orah is the energy around a person. If a person becomes holier, then they have a bigger Aura around them.

There is a kabbalistic concept called Atbash (אתבש‎) where a letter is replaced with its opposite side in the chain of letters. The word אוֹרָה starts with an א. Thus, the opposite of that letter is ת which would become תוֹרָה is the  אוֹרָה  of the Jewish people. In Aramaic, אוֹרָה means both Light and Torah. Thus, it can be understood that the Torah is the Divine Light of Hashem that he has given to the Jewish people who are, in turn, the Light to The Nations.

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