Divorces in The USA?

Taryag VeSheva > Gittin > Divorces in The USA?

Divorces in The USA?

עַל־אֵ֣לֶּה | אֲנִ֣י בֽוֹכִיָּ֗ה
“On these, I cry” -Eicha 1:16

The destruction of the Nation of Israel causes our prophets to cry. They foresaw the destruction of the holy temple and the near obliteration of Klal Yisrael. One of these things, causing the destruction of our nation, is the abuse of the concept of divorce which stems from the lack of Shalom Bayit (Marital Harmony), Unilateral decision making, and a lack of loyalty to one’s soulmate.

These horrible divorces have an affect on the children involved. They become distraught and have to deal with many emotional difficulties as well as the temporary lack of the mother or father. This has led to all sorts of problems in the modern world.

The Family Courts of America are akin to “Cartels” who make money from the system that encourages difficult divorces and enforces child custody and child support practices that are harmful for parents especially fathers. In fact, a quarter of US children live without a father in the home. This includes many Jewish fathers. The system of Child Custody and Child Support have had negative consequences even in the US. The system of Child Support is not designed to benefit society

Even in America, children, living in fatherless homes, are significantly worse off than those with both parents. Such children, on average, have lower grades in school. These kids tend to develop serious psychological issues due to lack of proper emotional support (due to their broken family life) and are more likely to engage in immorality and dangerous, criminal behavior including drug use and homicide.

The states in the US Southeast are horrible for the Jewish family and generally charge more for Child Support. These states are ridden with a culture rooted in Protestantism and Single-Motherhood. This is not a place for thriving Yeshivot.

In fact, in South Carolina, the system is designed to harm them. In this state, if a non-custodial parent (the father) is merely 5-days late on a Child Support payment, then he can be put in prison. The government wastes money by keeping people in prison instead of giving them the incentive to have a steady job and/or make ends meet some other way. Those who fail to make payments can also lose their driver’s licenses and other professional licenses.

The non-custodial parent is not offered the same level of legal counseling as a legitimate felon would…In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled (5-4) that the right to legal counseling only applied in criminal cases. This means that murderers and rapists are treated better than people who merely owe money in child support. The NY Bail Reform Bill is part of the Liberal policy to move people people out of jail easily, but this bill excludes fathers who are incarcerated because they could not pay Child Support. In any American state, Child Support can be taken away from your unemployment checks.

Fatherhood and Patriarchy are under-attack in the Western world. Divorce affects matriachy too, and divorce does not always benefit the women involved. This is certainly true in the United States, but the Feminist Jews are in on it. The dangerous, Liberal system of Family Courts don’t care what nation you are part of but merely the fact that you are a father or a mother. It’s unlikely that the people involved in this corrupt system (regardless of country) have any remorse for the death of those damaged by the broken family system whether it be America or aborad…

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