Desiring Change in The American Divorce Process

Taryag VeSheva > Gittin > Desiring Change in The American Divorce Process

Desiring Change in The American Divorce Process

The family unit in America is less influenced by the red-blue divide of Republicans and Democrats. There is no direct correlation (by state) in terms of what an American state will claim in the cases of divorce policies that affect child custody and child support. The statistics don’t always favor the states where the Republicans play a bigger role (on a state-level).

In the US, 79.9% of children from divorced families are under the custody of their mother. Most states do not guarantee that a child will have equal, legal access to both parents. Less than 25% of Republican states give equal custody (time) to both parents while 40% of Democrat States give equal custody when it comes to time spent with each parent. 59% of Swing States support equal custody. Besides the State of New York, many solid Republican states give the least amount of child custody to the father.  These states tend to be states in the US Southeast that have a culture rooted in Protestantism combined with the secular culture of single-motherhood.

Currently, the State of Kentucky has less pro-lobbying abilities which means that the Feminist lobbying groups can not advocate for the unfair laws in Child Custody. Kentucky’s Child Custody policies are generally more likely to be 50/50. The State of Ohio might soon be supporting such policies as well.Unfortunately, most Jews live in the worst states to get divorced in New York and New Jersey where men are not guaranteed a fair trial in Family Court. In fact, the Courts of New York do not care if it’s in the child’s own interest to live with their father.They award the mother with custody in a most of cases. Most in-town communities are terrible places to get divorced because they are in the worst states in the union. Then again, most Jews live under the most [spiritually] terrible governments in the world including Canada and Israel.

In the US, the states in the Northeast have the highest Child Support payment with Massachusetts having the highest CS payment while the Rocky Mountain States have the lowest child support costs. In the Northeast, the State of New Jersey is (surprisingly) an outlier, being the 4th lowest in the nation and is more likely to consider equal custody to both parents than other Northeast states. Virginia and West Virginia are the nation’s lowest in CS payments despite being in/near the US South where many states set it quite high and often reward the single mother…

In the case of New Jersey, the courts have other loopholes that indirectly favor the wife. This includes restraining orders. There’s still other legal loopholes that spiteful women can use to remove the father from the family. New Jersey is most certainly not the best state in the union even though it has an ever-growing Jewish community. Florida has some benefits too, but this would need to be examined in each city, district, and county. The same applies in all other states… 

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