Creation: The Number 42

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Creation: The Number 42

The number 42 is a quintessential number in the creation of the universe both in physicality and spirituality.

In Mathematics alone, number 42 is the sum of the first 6 even numbers. 42 is a Pronic, Polygonal, Catalan, and Abundant number. Besides being in those mathematical categories, it is the 3rd number in the list of primary pseudo-perfect numbers (satisfying the Egyptian fraction equation). The number 42 is the smallest #K equal to the sum of the non-prime proper divisors of k, i.e., 42 = 1 + 6 + 14 + 21. It is also the largest #N that exists for positive integers. In the world of Science, if light is bent at an angle of 42 degrees, it becomes a rainbow.

The realm of spirituality has a grander understanding of the number 42. There is a 42-letter name of G-d. In the Kabbalistic prayer, אנא בכוח, there are 42 words whose Roshei Teivot (first letter of each word) spell out the 42-letter name of G-d.

42 is one of the most significant numbers in the creation of the world. In the first chapter of the Shema, the first chapter of the Shema begins with the word ואהבת and ends with the word ובשעריך. This chapter has a total of 42 words. G-d’s holy name is written 21 times in the Shema, and since it is inscribed into both scrolls in the Tefillin, it is written a total of 42 times.

There were 42 days from the crossing of the Red Sea to the Receiving of the Torah, there were 42 places where the Israelites encamped during their time in the Wilderness, Jerusalem is 42 Square miles wide, and the Ba’al Shem Tov said that there are 42 holy places that each Jewish person should visit in his or her lifetime.

Rabbi Noam Elimelekh said that the 42 encampments of the Bnei Yisrael were fixed 42 components of the world that were spiritually damaged before the Bnei Yisrael was sanctified by Hashem via the giving of the Torah. We can see how this relates to our own, personal life in our journey of faith and spiritual growth. Every single Jew has 42 points in their life that they must rectify.

May we merit to rectify the 42 encampments of our lives.

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