Criticism of Macro-Evolution

Taryag VeSheva > Science > Criticism of Macro-Evolution

Criticism of Macro-Evolution

Soft tissue found in the bones of dinosaurs? This wouldn’t fit in with the narrative of Neo-Darwinists.

The Cambrian Explosion is the brief time period where there was the diversification of all animal phylum. Prior to this discovery, [secular] scientists believed that you would have to have had invertebrates prior to vertebrae, but this diversification proved that all of the diverse types of animals we have on Earth developed at the same time. This gives more evidence for Intelligent Design as written in The Torah.

What are the odds that something as microscopic as DNA could exist by change? What are the odds that nearly all animal phylum came into existence at the same time? This lecture by R” Yehoshua Zitron discusses this in more detail:

Marco-Evolution is the idea that an entire taxonomic group can change over time. The scale to which it can change is the subject of many theories that have proofs against them. This includes the missing links in the changes of the species and the issue of irreducible complexity. Darwinism fails to address the issues pertaining to the fact that the complexity in many complex organs and organisms can not function properly if one of the essential parts is not working. Thus, for macroevolution to be possible, there would need to be a hypothesis explaining how different, complex organs and organisms could have evolved [over time] to be as complex as they are today.

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