The Significance of The Color Red

Taryag VeSheva > Avodah Zarah > The Significance of The Color Red

The Significance of The Color Red

Wearing red has a significance for the Nation of Yisrael. Red (אדום) has the same letters as the name “Edom” (אדום). The color red represents Edom. But how does this translate into Halakha?

Tosfot Ketubot 72a says that wearing red is an issue of Pritzut (the promotion of immodesty). This was later explained by the Shakh in Yoreh Deah 178:3 who says that wearing red is not Tzniut (modest) for a woman.

I was told that the Rashi said that wearing red was seen as being classy and thus was seen overtly flaunting wealth via clothing.

Some Rabbanim say that red represents the Planet of Mars (מאדים) which is red. The Akum that worship Mars would wear red. The Roman Catholic cardinals wear a red Kippah, for it was one of the two colors of the Roman Empire. Today, red is on the almost every flag in Europe.

Now if Mars is represented by the Angel of Eisav (אדום), then idolatry of Mars (מאדים), then it would make sense that there is a Halakhic issue with wearing red especially when Eisav was unusually bold in his behavior and his strong desire for wealth and power.