The Unholy Union

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > The Unholy Union

The Unholy Union

Pirkrei D’Rebbi Eliezer said that in the end of days, the evil wicked Antisemitic Anti-Torah crowds of Yishmaelim will join forces with the evil Edomim. The Grand-Mufti of Jerusalem had met with Hitler before the Nazi Reich enacted the Final Solution. This created a union of unholiness to the highest degree.

The most spiritually wicked people are now working together to destroy us. This is because all of the enemies of Yisrael are joining forces to attempt to the exterminate the goodness of humanity.

The majority of Eisav (Edom) will not accept the holiness of Yaakov, and thus, the Antisemitic Anti-Torah Muslims will not give up their crusade against the Nation of Israel. Consequently, Amalek (עמלק), the grandson of Edom became relevant to the Islamic world which is why we will continue to deal with עמלק until we get rid of Hamas and the other עמלקים.

And once a nation has sided with Edom, then our only option is to bring Mashiach (משיח) – the anointed one. Edom and Yishmael can only be destroyed via our spiritual growth and development of holiness.

Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel) is a land of miracles that take place all the time which is why we have had many cases of the wicked nations bombed the cities of Eretz Yisrael, yet no one died.

When Saddam Hussein launched SCUD missiles at major cities in Israel. The missiles landed in the city, but no one died. ברוך השם.

On the night of Iran’s first bombing campaign against us, no one died. This was before Passover. A night before the eve of Rosh Ha-Shannah, Iran launched more misses at Eretz Yisrael, including some Muslim majority places in the former Jordanian colony, and the only death was that of an Arab.

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