When the Levush is Contradicting the Yehudi

Taryag VeSheva > Mussar > When the Levush is Contradicting the Yehudi

When the Levush is Contradicting the Yehudi

The reason why some Jewish communities merit the Divine Protection of The One G-d is because they are sincerely good people. It’s not that they don a Black Kippah or tie a gartel but rather that they are sincere in doing the things that this world was founded on.

On Shemini Atzeret 5874, there was more than one town that was spared the atrocities committed by the Amalekim. What did these small towns do to merit such a divine level of protection that they were not harmed during the massacre? It wasn’t that they had more physical protection but rather that they kept Shabbat with all of their heart and soul in it. They did it out of a sincere appreciation of the Mitzvah.

Now, on Yom Kippur of the same year, there was the public shaming of those who prayed on Yom Kippur in the streets of Tel Aviv, and that city dealt with a lot of suffering since the Shemini Atzeret where they were bombed heavily even more than Yerushalayim Ir Ha-Qodesh. The people who shame the Rabbanim were met with the wrath of Hashem because Hashem felt that enough was enough. The Nation of Israel needed to wake up, and it did. This resulted in a lot of Teshuvah and Khesed in the cities of Eretz Yisrael.

Don’t even think, for a second, that you can be a fake Jew. All Yehudim have Neshamot, and the Neshamah isn’t receiving the Torah, then that Neshamah is worthless in this world and the next. Thus, every Jew should be a sincere Jew. The actions of fake Jews will be taken into account when the world is judged.

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