Lilith: The Origin of Demonic Femininity

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Lilith: The Origin of Demonic Femininity

Sefer “Alpha Beta de-Ben Sira” states that when Adam Ha-Rishon was born, Hashem made him a partner in the same manner that Adam was created. She was called Lilith (Lamed-Yud). Immediately, she began to bicker with Adam. She refused to be with him and flew away.

In Bemidmar Rabbah 16:25, Moshe Rabbeinu said that the Lamed-Tav murdered her own children. The Zohar states that when Adam Ha-Rishon had left Ḥava, the Lamed-Tav had children with Adam Ha-Rishon in his sleep (nocturnal emissions) which created demonic entities.

Lamed-Yud is married to Samael (Samekh-Mem) – the Accusing Angel (Satan), the King of All Demons, and the Angel of Esaw/Edom, represented by Mars. who is thus the Archenemy of the Archangel Michael – the angelic representative of Yisrael.

The Samekh-Mem is also know as The Destroyer, The Evil King, The Messenger of Evil, and the Evil Inclination representing the Left side. The Left side is the essence of greed and selfishness which causes wickedness.

The Samekh-Mem represents a more orderly form of evil while his wife represents a dangerously chaotic form of wickedness. The Lamed-Tav can be described as egregious and rebellious. Perhaps, it could be that the Lamed-Tav represents the evils within the divine feminine while her husband represents the masculine equivilant. When the Left Side is inward, it gives rise to the powers of via selfishness. This power can be manifested through seductiveness, vindictiveness, and unrestrained evil found in acts of tumult.

The origins of Feminism and its degenerate, ideological offspring, stem from a the divine feminine which has become influenced by the forces of toxic femininity which are all the embodiment of the Lamed-Yud. May the evil influence of the Samekh-Mem and Lamed-Yud be removed speedily in our days with the help of Hashem.

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