Unnecessary Collective Classification
Unnecessary Collective Classification
It’s hard to classify a קהילה as being more observant than another because every קהילה has its own unique things.
Some בעלי תשובה gravitate towards Satmar m It could be that some people view Satmar as being holier than other people, but maybe it’s different than what it seems to be. Perhaps, it could be that many בעלי תשובה might be confused on the idea of observance and thus might gravitate towards Satmar.
Are Satmar holier than everyone else? Well, it depends on many factors. It depends on who you ask or what matters more. Maybe Chabad-Lubavitch is holier. Maybe Sephardim have a spiritual advantage in prayer.
It could be that some people are interested in what they perceive to be a higher level of frumkeit (religiousness) which is actually just an illusion.
There is no way to classify an entire community based on level of frumkeit. Rather, some communities just have their norms via an unwritten quasi-contract.
I think that it’s better to look at an individual as being observant. The קהילות can’t be seen the same way especially if they impose a set of values or Standards as normal. A real חסיד is someone who goes above and beyond the norm of a קהילה.