Catholic Antisemitism
Catholic Antisemitism
A common myth about Roman Catholicism is that, somehow, the Antisemitism, ceased to exist and was instead replaced by a tolerant theology and perspective. Now, it is true that there were Catholics that saved Jews during the Holocaust, but there were plenty of people who saved Jews without having any connection with Catholicism. And many Catholic priests saved Jewish children with just with the intent on converting them to Catholicism. However, there has always been Catholics who hate the Religion of Israel.
After the Holocaust, the next Pope was John XXIII who wrote a document called “Nostra Aetate” which denounces Antisemitism. In context, this Pope, prior to Papacy, helped many Jews escape the clutches of the Nazis in several countries including France, Slovakia, and Hungary.
Nevertheless, there are certain swaths of sloths who associate themselves as Catholic and have attempted to disconnect themselves from the movement to minimize Antisemitism. Instead, you now have a fair number of relevant Akum who are, in fact, trying to push away anything and everything Jewish. These people are filthy losers who have no share in The World to Come.
In the same time period that we have the rise of Pro-Hamas demonstrations, Islamists murdering Jews, and The Left becoming the vulturous basket case of humanity, we also see the revival of Antisemitism from its traditional Christian founding. Even some of the Churches in Iceland read an Antisemitic Poem before the idolatrous day named after an idol representing the revival of Spring.
On top of this, Pope Francis, the world’s most Liberal Pope openly believes in the nonsensical theories promoted by the wicked Liberal elites even when it involves the topic of the Anti-Israel movement. He believes that Jews are committing war crimes against Non-Jews in Azzah. All of this is a pathetic way to ignore what warfare actually is. The War Against Hamas is a war to stop the injustices committed by a genocidal terrorist organization that established itself on Antisemitism as the primary focus of Jihad. Currently, the IDF is accused of blood libels for merely trying to stop a terrorist organization from being able to conduct acts of terrorism from within Azzah.
And deep down, we know that this Goyish Patriarch is, in fact, promoting a blood libel in our time. He did so during the time of an Idolatrous celebration. Pope Francis is, in fact, intending to incite Antisemitism through the guise of Liberalism and Pacifism. Pope Francis is evil. He is a wicked idealist who praises Bernie Sanders as being an ideal Christian when Bernie is a disgusting person who is a Socialist and a Self-Hating Jew. That says a lot about how Pope Francis perceives reality.
This Quasi-Liberal culture of trying to denounce Antisemitism, while claiming that the Jews are wrong for defending and establishing themselves, is Antisemitic. These pacifists are losers, but let’s make it clear that this theology is based on the opposition to anything and everything that appears to be compatible with Judaism. The Liberals hate the family unit, the Jewish identity, and the Jewish faith. These people are just the current form of Antisemitic destruction. These “tolerant” Akum wish to harm our people, but Hashem will take them away from us.
It is important to note that the rise of Antisemitism among Catholics should not be seen as some type of Khiddush. In fact, quite the opposite. They are part of the vicious conflict of an unnatural hatred against Yisrael that comes from Eisav himself. Eisav/Edom will always be jealous of his brother.
Edom is the enemy of Yisrael. The Bnei Edom hate us and will continue to pursue us until they are erased. Nothing has changed since the time of the First Crusade. Actually, nothing has changed since Rome destroyed the Second Temple. However, because of Hashem these Akum will not replace us. And when the Yom Ha-Din (Day of Judgement) takes place, these wicked people will burn in the depths of Gehenom forever.