The Pogrom in Holland

Taryag VeSheva > End Times > The Pogrom in Holland

The Pogrom in Holland

Yom Ha-Shishi – Parshat Lekh Lekha – 5785

Because of something as simple as Yehudim and Goyim kicking a ball, the wicked Amalekim, in the form of Jihadist terrorists have decided to attempt to massacre Yisraelim in Holland. Disgusting creatures are harming innocent Jewish civilians in the name of their twisted understanding of morality. Jews are being harmed in a land foreign to Israel despite many Jews in countries like Holland and Portugal are actually Israeli-born Jews…

Unlike the fake movement causing “from the river to the sea” to be considered some type of Social Justice movement, the wicked sons of Amalek have literally thrown a Jew into a river in Holland in the name of this bogus Jood-hating cause.

The horrific news isn’t the fact that it’s happening, but the horrifying fact that the police knew that something could happen, but the corrupt Liberal, Leftist government of Amsterdam did not respond to the attack, and unfortunately, the IDF is not able to conduct operations in every country that had a Pogrom even though it would be the morally right and courageous thing to do.

On a better note, El Al is offering free flights to get Israelis out of Holland. And also, The King of The Netherlands told the President of Israel that he condemns the attacks. The heart of all Kings is determined by Hashem, and The King has spoken. These wicked sons of Amalek have no share in the world to come. They will burn in Gehenom forever with Titus, Khmelnytsky, Hitler, Al-Husseini, Arafat, and Sinwar (May their names be erased forever).

We are currently dealing with the jealousy and hatred within Amalek and Yishamel. The fact that humanity has been around for over 58 centuries does not take away from the fact that there are still wicked people who hate the Divine Plan. Even though G-d hates the entirety of Amaleki/Falistini cause, the cause is to move us closer to Him via being united as Am Yisrael.

We all have the means to do Teshuvah. What Teshuvah am I referring to? The Teshuvah of rectifying the sin of Shaul Ha-Melekh! It is a Mitzvah to do destroy Amalek, but despite not having been fulfilled by Shaul Ha-Melekh who let Agag Ha-Melekh live, the rest of Am Yisrael has to win the war against Amalek. Our Teshuvah is to do it in our generation so that our descendants don’t have to do it!

The Divine Irony is that these wicked sons of filthy animals are part of the Divine Plan in that Hashem will wipe them all out!

We wish every Jew, everywhere, a Shabbat Shalom! May we merit to greet Mashiakh soon!