Rejoice, Oh Israel

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Rejoice, Oh Israel

“When the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy” – Proverbs 11:10

Every single real Jew was happy to hear that Sinwar, the Wicked Amaleki and mastermind of the Shemini Atzeret (October 7th) terrorist attack, was rightfully killed by close to the beginning of Sukkot.

If a Jew would just choose not to rejoice when hearing such news, then it would be demonstrative of the absence of Jews caring about their mission in this world.

After the death of the Wicked enemies of Yisrael, we become aware of the grand purpose in the world and rejoice. We become glad to be Jews because we see the fruits of our prayers, labor, and learning.

We know that it happens for a reason. Hashem created man for the purpose of allowing man to get closer to Him willingly. And we experience that during the holiday of Sukkot where we dwell in a simple, natural environment without the luxuries of this world. Shemini Atzeret is the pinnacle of the holiday season where it’s just us with Hashem. Less offerings after a week of offerings for each nation.

Last year, on Shemini Atzeret (October 7th), weeks after a horrific riot took place in Tel Aviv – a protest against the prayer service of Yom Kippur, there was a social event with idolatrous practices where no one was keeping the Torah.

Now, after year since the incident on Yom Kippur, the Wicked Amaleki along with his murderous Shia counterpart in Lebanon, were killed. Many Jewish people have done תשובה since Shemini Atzeret (October 7th), many soldiers are now wearing the Tallit and Tefilin, many Jews have been praying for the Nation of Yisrael, and many people have been learning Torah in the merit of the Jewish people who were murdered, kidnapped, or injured on Shemini Atzeret. In fact, one of those Kibbutzim near Azzah had no Mezuzot on their doorposts until several weeks after many interactions with religious Jews who had volunteered to help them.

Klal Yisrael will continue to progress towards the path of the righteous בעזרת השם.

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