To Refute the Heretic

Taryag VeSheva > Avodah Zarah > To Refute the Heretic

To Refute the Heretic

Many people knowingly believe in the heretical ideas found amongst the Akum. This is because they’ve been manipulated and lied to by their local preachers.

The Oral Torah explains and expounds upon the mentality of those who choose to distort the Monotheism of Jewish tradition.

Bereshit Rabbah 8:9, it says the following: The heretics once asked Rabbi Samlai: ‘How many deities created the world?’ He said to them: ‘Let you and I inquire into the early days.’ That is what is written: “For inquire now into the early days that were before you, from the day that God created [bara] man” (Deuteronomy 4:32) – “that [God] baru” is not written here, but rather, “that [God] bara.” They said to him: ‘What is this that is written: “In the beginning God [Elohim] created”?’ He said to them: “Baru Elohim” is not written here, but rather, “bara Elohim.” Rabbi Samlai said [moreover]: Everywhere you find a basis for a claim of the heretics, you find a refutation alongside it. They asked him further, saying to him: ‘What is this that is written: “Let us make Man in our image, in our likeness”?’ He said to them: ‘Read what is written thereafter: God created [vayivre’u] man in their image is not stated, but rather, “God created [vayivra] man in His image,”’ (Genesis 1:27). After they left, his students said to him: ‘Rabbi, those men you pushed off with a reed. What would you respond to us?’ He said to them: ‘In the past, Adam was created from earth and Eve was created from Adam. From now on, “In our image, in our likeness” – a man will not [produce offspring] without a woman, nor will a woman without a man, nor both of them without the Divine Presence.’ They then asked him, they said to him: ‘What is this that is written: “God [El], God [Elohim], the Lord [Hashem], [He knows]…”’ (Joshua 22:22). He said to them: ‘“They know” is not written here, but rather, “He knows.”’ His students said to him: ‘Those men you pushed off with a reed. What do you respond to us?’ He said to them: ‘All three of them are names of God, as when a person says: Basilias Augustus Caesar.’ They [the heretics] asked him: ‘What is this that is written: “For He is a holy [kedoshim] God”?’ (Joshua 24:19). He said to them: ‘“They are holy” is not written, but rather, “he is holy.”’

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