אהבת הארץ

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אהבת הארץ

Parshat Shlakh is the Parshah where 12 Israelite scouts/spies came to the land of Canaan, and 10 of them spoke poorly about the land that Hashem had promised the Tribes of Israel. This led to that generation to Israelites from being punished by not being allowed to enter the land of Israel. The exception would be the two spies who spoke well about the holy land.

Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) is the only place where Jews were completely exiled from and promised by Hashem that we’d be returned to the land.

Wanting to live in Eretz Yisrael (ארץ ישראל) is unrelated to whether or not Tzionism exists because it was already an idea mentioned in the Torah by Hashem Himself.

There are secular establishment politicians in Israel that condone the abomination mentioned in Leviticus, but at least you won’t see many Religious Jews praising it directly. Meanwhile, in the United States, there’s many religious Jews politicians who advocate for the aforementioned abomination.

The Colonies that became the United States had no Rabbi before 1840. There was no rabbi present when the United States was founded! They never had the ability to properly maintain Judaism in America. This is a fact. The Judaism in New York City is non-normative beyond its borders besides for places where this corrupt, parasitic mentality exists. And Lakewood isn’t a replacement for that. Lakewood is a continuation of this.

New York City’s Jews decided not to deal with Israel but created something much worse. Since their own ideals are built on nothing…These communities are built on materialism and/or operate like a social clique.

When משיח comes, all of those homes, in NYC, will be worthless because all the Jews would leave if they’re not already בארץ or חס ושלום dead…

But why would these American Jewish leaders make people feel guilty for wanting to living in בארץ ישראל? Let’s learn from what our sages said about the Spies who spoke poorly about ארץ ישראל. Our sages said that they were the leaders of their tribes and 10 of them wanted to retain their power because they understood that they could lose power if they entered the land.

Yishuv BeArertz (ישוב בארץ) means “living in the land of Israel” which is unrelated to the secular establishment of Israel which is run by people who are just interested in their dirty, rotten ideals that are Anti-Torah.

The number of Jews, wanting to come to Israel after October 7th, is a testimony to the significance of the land. I can explain this using a juxtaposition. If thousand Jews were murdered by Haitians invading Florida, then most Jews would leave Florida without a question. No one is going back to Poland in mass.

The land of Israel is the representation of the enhancement of higher, spiritual consciousness. And this is the essence of saying שמע ישראל. The basis of this is that the nation of Israel merited to become aware of the fact that there is no other divinity except for Hashem. Therefore, the advancement of consciousness starts with the nation of Israel which includes our connection with the Torah and with the land that Hashem wants us to live on.

There are those who oppose the Torah and the Spirituality that comes with it. The Torah represents the enhancement of spiritual consciousness, and ארץ ישראל is the place where this enhancement is expressed and magnified.

The entire culture against coming to ארץ ישראל is based on the suppression of spirituality. These suppressive forces are via the Evil Inclination (יצר הרע) trying to prevent the rise of Monotheism. This is why they shame people who pursue Holiness (קדושה) including the Noahide Laws, learning Torah the קדושה of the land itself.

Those who oppose the idea of Jews living in the land of Judah are suppressive that the יצר הרע is using to prevent the spread of קדושה. The secular establishment of Israel is also part of this יצר. Don’t let this יצר prevent us from doing מצוות.

The current situation in Israel might seek like a geopolitical conflict and yet is part of the divine Master plan to bring us closer to the Geulah (גאולה) – Redemption. And during the era of the גאולה, it will be known to the world that there is no other divinity except for the God of Israel.

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