God Hates Palestine

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > God Hates Palestine

God Hates Palestine

After the Romans had colonized the Land of Israel, they decided to change its name from Israel to Palaestīna. Since then, “Palestine” became the term that Goyish intellectuals have used in order to erase the identity of Israel from the world. In doing so, they have attempted to erase the association with the People of Israel and the Land of Israel. Thus, the Goyim can not understand why there is a movement of Jews to Israel.

The wicked have attempted to replace us with a forged identity for gentiles to use. This idea of replacement is embedded into the two biggest religions of the world. These suppressive forces of replacement are trying to prevent the truth from being said. They are suppressors of truth, justice, and holiness.

Every Jewish soul, by definition, hates fakeness, superficiality, and unholiness including our unholiest enemies such as those whom we’re fighting today. And that is the essence of the putrid people and ideas coming from the secular establishment of Liberal Europeans and their sympathizers (Self-Hating Jews).

The pain of our exile involves dealing with the current situation where we’re in. We’re at war with an ethnic conglomerate – a mixed nation that proclaims itself to be Canaanite while acting like Amalek – עמלק. These people identify themselves as Palestinians. They are like Arad and his army.

The proposition to recognize fake marriages is part of the wicked plot of our enemies to destroy the Jewish family, and the proposition, to recognize “Palestine” is part of their wicked intent to destroy the Jewish community by replacing it with עמלק. They hate us and want to replace us.

The nation called עמלק hates Judaism and Jewish people. They can not tolerate the uniqueness of the nation of Israel. They can not stand to see a Jew live. Why? Because we deserve to be the chosen people of Hashem. If a group of people dedicate their entire existence to the cause of Amalek, the they are Amalekim.

The grandfather of עמלק is Edom. This is the evil, twin brother of Yaakov Avinu A”H. The Bnei Edom did not let the Jews peacefully pass through their land and neither did their cousins – Moab and Amon. They hate us because they’re jealous that Yaakov Avinu A”H was able to receive the birthright from their father.

Some rabbis say that these Arab terrorists, our enemies, have the lineage of Yishmael (ישמעאל) – a person that they see as the spiritual ancestor of Islam whose mother (Hagar) was an Egyptian. This doesn’t take away from the fact that Palestine has the agenda of עמלק. The mission of ישמעאל was not to exterminate us. That is the cause of עמלק. That is why the Torah states explicitly to destroy עמלק. Thus, it’s a mitzvah to destroy Hamas.

Some rabbis say that Hagar was Keturah. These people, from Keturah, are מקבל טומאה – accepting spiritual impurity. They want to be impure. They want to be pursue unholiness.

Our enemies love the impurities of this world. That’s why they live near Jewish cemeteries, and that’s why these wicked Antisemitic thugs murdered Jewish people on a Jewish holiday not only on October 7th of 2023 but also on October 7th of 1973 – the Yom Kippur War.

The nation of ישמעאל can’t not tolerate purity. Yes, it is true that their name is implying that God listened to the prayer of their ancestors, but nevertheless, they are not righteous and did not merit to receive the Torah.

They’re willing to do inhumane things in the name of their god. They’re willing to blow up their children in order to be an antagonistic force against the Jewish people. The movement of Iran to receive help from the US and Russia is a sign that the בני אדם וישמעאל are collaborating against us.

The wicked will stop at nothing. These wicked nations (בני אדם וישמעאל) will perish. They will burn forever. So if the wicked nations, that we’re now at war with, is עמלק or if it’s ישמעאל, it’s horrible either way. They will sent to the same part of Gehenom as That Man ימח שמו וזכרו who mocked the sages. More can be found in the Zohar 3:282 in the 6th paragraph.

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