Are All Christian Countries Western?

Taryag VeSheva > End Times > Are All Christian Countries Western?

Are All Christian Countries Western?

The Political sphere uses the term “Western” country often to refer to the dominant political forces in the developed world which tend to be countries that are Catholic-majority of Protestant-majority, but when compared to Islamic-majority countries, what category do the other Christian nations fall in? This is a big deal when you’re talking about Russia and her allies.

Well, the truth of the matter is that all denominations of Mainline Christianity can trace their origins to the former Roman Empire. Thus, even Orthodox Christians are part of Western society. Russia is a Western country when it comes to the comparisons and contrasts that they have with other Christian-majority countries.

The entirety of the Western world is owned by Edom. They created the biggest genocide against the Bnei Yisrael and tried to actively prevent a Jewish state from being founded, and when it was founded, they tried to use every political maneuver to challenge that Jewish state.

Since Edom had colonized the Muslim world, they were able to bring in false doctrines of Antisemitism via Protocols of The Elders of Zion into the Arab-majority cities where Arab began to actively persecuted Jews until most of left. Then, Yishmaelim realized that the self-identified Palestinians are really Amalekim disguised as Canaanim. Simultaneously, the Yishmaelim became aware of the threat of Iran with its tentacles of terror spreading across the world going as far south as Argentina. Thus, the unofficial Sunni-Israeli alliance was formed via the Abraham Accords to challenge the threat of Iran.

In ancient History, when Rome was fighting Persia, it was the basis of the conflict of the major Western power and the major Eastern power. The conflict still exists today except for the fact that the leaders of the most powerful Western country are actively seeking the rise of its competing enemy. The Republic of Iran does, in fact, seek to remove Israel off the map, and regardless of what you gullible Jews think, this means murdering millions of Jews and even non-Jews in the process.

During this unique time in Human History, we have the opportunity to personally witness the unfolding of grand events that will lead us to a special era in history which features a profound number of people becoming Noahides, a larger number of people converting to Judaism, and the majority of the world’s Jews coming to Eretz Yisrael.

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