Not For A Second

Taryag VeSheva > End Times > Not For A Second

Not For A Second

Why is it that after a Peace Music Festival that ended with the deaths of hundreds by the hands of Hamas, did many seemingly pacifistic, egalitarian political groups decide to celebrate it? Does it make any logical sense? Are they really pacifists?

Shalom is often translated as “peace”, but it requires a depper understanding. Peace requires Sheleimut (completion). This can only be caused by Akhdut (unity) which is needed to create better world where all of the parts work together like a singularity, but this requires us to have something that we can unify over. This is where having faith in Hashem (the only divine source) is required, and that means that such a movement requires us to understand Hashem’s holy Torah (the Light of Hashem) which many of today’s social movements reject. So it can’t be that these people actually want peace. In fact, what they want is quite the opposite,

Don’t even consider thinking for a second that when the so-called “pacifists” consider joining the side of the terrorists, that this isn’t some strange collusion. Quite the opposite, all of these anti-Jewish ideological forces are, in fact, inter-twinned as they were made with the intention of being part of the opposition to the Nation of Israel and his relationship with the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel.

Yes, the people who oppose the military-industrial complex are out cheering for the violent savages who murdered over a thousand people just for being Jewish or associated with the Jews.

These wicked nations want to do everything they can to stop the advancement of the Nation of Israel which ironically has created a social environment where there is more unity among different groups of Jews.

The divisions, within our nation, allow the enemies of Israel to advance forward with the attempt of wiping us out, but in each generation, the Yad Hashem saves us from extermination. We will never be annihilated because we are part of Hashem’s masterplan. The world was created by Hashem with the intention of the Torah being put into it. Edom want to stop Yisrael from being able to be redeemed because that would mean that his nation would come to an end. And through the redemption of Klal Yisrael, we will have Shalom.

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