Brightening the Darkened Kingdoms

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > Brightening the Darkened Kingdoms

Brightening the Darkened Kingdoms

Polytheism, Pantheism, and Atheism stem from the spiritual confusion that the Nations of The World have acquired through their lack of a consistent connection with Hashem. The idolatrous regimes that have attempted to conquer the nations of Israel, through out the exile, are merely wood for the fires of Gehinom. All of them will rise and fall like the four on Yaakov’s ladder. Their hatred for the Torah, plus their desire to exterminate those who were given, stem from a spiritual confusion which the Nation of Israel has to overcome during our time of exile. The return of the Nation of Israel to the Land of Israel has led to the slow and steady awakening of the desire to connect to Hashem. And no matter how hard the wicked try to prevent the illumination of truth in the world of spiritual darkness, the wicked lose due to the realization of truth that is starting to prevail.

The Greeks had empirical systems of analyzing the physical, but the spiritual is something that is Metaphysical – beyond the physical. The Hellenistic ideologies do not take into account the metaphysical. the essence of Hellenism is based on the ignorance of the metaphysical. This is probably why their deities had the appearance of humans. A human is a tangible entity. Thus. the Greeks, with their appreciation for the physical, carved statues of humans and worshipped some of them as deities.

Christians worship the icons of humans which they believe are partnered with God even though we know, in accordance to our national tradition, that God has no partner. There is no other god except for Him. Christianity is based on the perversion of truth and is part of the world of spiritual confusion that dominates the world.

Polytheism was initiated by the worship of the heavenly bodies which led to the emergence of idols to represent them. This is on of the first perversions of divine truth. The kingdoms of idolatry are slowly waking up and realizing that the entire foundation of their society is false and worthless. This is part of the grander illumination of the darker places of which many nations are dwelling in.

The holiday of Ḥanukkah is about illuminating the darkness via the appreciation for the light within. The 10th of Tevet is the acknowledgement of the darkness – closer to the winter solstice itself. This was the pinnacle of darkness for the Nation of Israel as Babylon was attempting to destroy the holy city of Tzion.

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