Multiculturalism vs Judaism

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Multiculturalism vs Judaism

Humanity is composed of different nations who descend from a common ancestor. According to genetic research, all males can trace their paternal origins to the same male. Scientists have called him Y-Chromosomal Adam.

The Liberals of the Western World believe that all men were created equal as it is stated in their man-made Libertarian-oriented constitution. However, when dealing with a world with rampant amounts of terrorism and immorality, this is egalitarian notion is far from the truth. The nations of the world are not equal to each other once they have identified themselves with a different national purposes.

Amalek is different than Mitzrayim because their national purpose is to [unsuccessfully] exterminate Yisrael. Likewise, the cause of Palestinian Nationalism is not equal to Jewish National or even Egyptian Nationalism because the basis of creating a separate national identity for Arabs in the Holy Land which would lead to the goyim having no incentive to adapt to the culture of Israel. The Western world’s validation of Palestinian Nationalism led to perpetual violence caused by Palestinian terrorists who seek to murder Jews simply for being born Jewish. The sum total of this is the massacre on Shemini Atzeret 5784 (October 7th, 2023).

The Western world seems to be indulged in its own pride about its intellectual greatness that it has become blind to the awareness of nations and ideologies that are incompatible with Western values. Western democracies think that they can import millions of Arabs and think that it wouldn’t have any consequences to deal with. Well, now they’re realizing that they’re wrong. The belief that Jews and Muslims are identical caused the Americans to believe that they could import Muslims from countries whose education systems hate Judaism and the basic rights granted in Western countries. Ironically, they came here anyway. In small numbers, there were Arabs and Pakis became less Islamic and assimilated into Western society, but that’s due to the smaller numbers that existed. Overtime, more came and established an Islamic presence which made this challenging for those who could have otherwise adopted Western values.

It is impossible for 2 different cultures with 2 different ethical lenses to be equal in their ability to live within the Western World or even the Eastern world. The Christian and Muslim world are different than each other. Both of strongly different from the cultures that are neither Western-influenced nor Islamic-influenced. In terms of immigration, the influx of Muslims into the Democratic countries has led to various social shifts. Although, when looking at history, it didn’t change too much if you’re seeing the Rise of Antisemitism among Arabs dwelling in Europe. The Holocaust started less than a century ago, but the rise of Pro-Arab Anti-Jewish sentiment is so high that the Hate Crimes for Jews, after only a month of war with Hamas, led to a 1,000% increase in Hate Crimes against Jews and Jewish places (schools, businesses, etc.).

So what can we learn from this? Maybe the West can be less egalitarian with its understanding of global affairs. Maybe the elitist college professors, in their fancy arm chairs, should stop trying to comment about regions of the world which doesn’t resemble an elitist neighborhood.

Now, what about the Multiculturalism between Jewish ethnicities? Are Ashkenazim really that different than Sephardim? Besides the fact that Ashkenazim never lived among the cultures of Asia and Africa, yes, both Jewish ethnic groups are similar. The Torah did not fundamentally change across cultures because it is an objective document. It’s the same Torah across cultures including the Jews of Ethiopia and Yemen. That is what unites Jews together. The lack of unity, which was clear and present last year (5783) is what led to the division that allowed for the Iranian-backed proxies to believe that Israel was weak. We all know what happened on the last holiday of Tishrei.

As for the nations that have rejected Torah values, the ability for them to view Jews and non-Jews equally has been a disaster. Accommodating even the most minuscule Mitzvot is extremely challenging in the Non-Jewish world. And Jews, in Galut, have routinely accepted values and practices that are in contradiction to Torah values. Jews have to stand up for the morality of the Torah which is the epicenter of objective morality in the West. Even George H.W. Bush had a monument of the 7 Noahide Laws built in honor of the ethics that the [then] president held dear to him.

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