The Irony of The Notzrim on Israel

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > The Irony of The Notzrim on Israel

The Irony of The Notzrim on Israel

Evangelicals unknowingly support a government that’s been taken over by the Cultural “Progressives”. Even before this, the city of Tel Aviv was a city of sin. However, this is enforcing such evils on a national level.

Instead of focusing on the important of general political policies, national unity, and the Jewish identity, Lapid focused on supporting the multi-lettered minority as a higher priority.

Yair Lapid and his father believe(d) in making religious Jews culturally identical to secular Jewish people. In power, Lapid is one of the two “rotating” Prime Ministers and has to work with the other Prime Minister who’s on the most Liberal-Tzad of Modox such as the acting Prime Minister Bennet, so Lapid might not say things that would offend 1/5th of the population…The State of Israel does show what a true democracy is like, and this includes the bad elements…

The Lapid family is identified as Centrist, but Yair Lapid has promoted Liberalism and even some raising of taxes. He is in a coalition with the Russian-speaking Lieberman who promotes secular Soviet values in Israel (and is more openly Anti-Religious).

The current ruling coalition includes a Left-Wing party that is influenced by those who appeal more to Arab terrorists than the Old Left or Netanyahu. That same party wants to ban Jewish outreach but not Evangelical missionaries. How hypocritical of them!

Evangelicals have an agenda which includes not mentioning that secularism exists in Israel. These ideologies already existed in Israel ages ago, but it’s now more relevant than ever. 

But the story gets worse when it is discovered that Lapid has a sister in-law that is a Pro-YAshka type of Yid. That shocked a fair number of people.

And fast-forward to the current time (Milhamah B’Amalek), Bennet apologized for not having focused enough on the matter of terror. Maybe Bibi should apologize too. And maybe Gantz should apologize for trying to create a patriotic movement of Secular Tzionists aimed at challenging Judicial Reform. That movement further divided the country in the year leading into Tisha B’av – a day where we mourn for the loss of the holy temple in Yerushalayim which fell due to in-fighting amongst us Yehudim.

And Pro-Notzri Yehudim should realize that the phenomenon with American Evangelicals is not common globally. A Brazilian Evangelical pastor made Pro-Holocaust statements in 2020 CE. The Leader of the Church of England and his Catholic counterpart got the PM of the UK to not move the Embassy of the UK to Yerushalayim. Why do you think that is? Because they hate us Jews. They hate the Jewish religion. Don’t be blind by the mere fact that some small number of Pro-Israel Christians exist, in the USA, does not mean that they exist elsewhere in the world including the Western World.

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