They Hate Us

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > They Hate Us

They Hate Us

Yes, we have enemies. You might not to hear that, but it’s true. Enemies of Israel do exist. It’s not a fictional conspiracy theory to believe that Jews have enemies. Did various institutions not claim that there’s an increase of 300%+ Anti-Jewish incidents since the conflict started. 

Well, I have some harsh truth to tell you. The nations of the world hate us. Stop listening to ignorant Jews in Westernized places like the State of California or the Republic of Denmark where Jews feel equal to non-Jews in comparison to the real world where Jews do, in fact, deal with people who hate them just for being Jews. It’s not about Tzionism. It’s about Judaism. It’s about the Jews. 

The world didn’t magically get better after the Holocaust. American Jews need to wake the hell up and realize that there is a  world out that there that is dark and horrible where many barbaric tribes of people are dedicated to wanting to exterminate Aam Yisrael (עם ישראל) – the nation of Israel.

Only a filthy shaygetz can think that the biggest massacre of Jews, since the Holocaust, is somehow justified because of a non-existent “Jewish” occupation as if the State of Israel has control over the Gaza Strip. The Jews were forced out of there by the secular State of Israel in the 2005. Maybe the West should stop being “woke” and actually wake-up.

And the mixed signals of self-hating American Jews is pathetic. Biden’s Secretary of State is a Jew, but only after this horrible massacre, did he make a Pro-Jewish stance which includes the attack an invasion on Israel and that Jews were slaughtered. Now, he is saying that Israel has the right and obligation to defend itself. But where was he a year ago? Where were all the Liberal, Self-Hating Jews a year ago? 

The evil, secular, Goyish media has the ḥutzpah (audacity) to consider Israel responsible to be able to take care of the Goyim in Gaza.  Really. That seems ridiculous. No righteous person would give water to his enemy when his own allies are in trouble. The Americans and Soviets didn’t do it with the Nazi Germans. The War in Vietnam did not involve the Americans, led by Democrats, trying to be careful when fighting the Vietcong. The evil, united nations of the world want to make it harder for us. They do not like us. They hate us. They hate our eternalness, our Torah, and our connection with G-d.

Why should the Jews follow the conventional rules of war when the enemy doesn’t? Was America justified in invading Iraq? Was the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, killed in the war, something that could have been avoided? If so, how many global protests were there during that time? Why should Jews be told about preserving by people who were too late on stopping the Holocaust and turned a blind-eye to the Genocide in Cambodia. And who was protesting against Pol Pot in America? No one. It was actually Vietnam who intervened and stopped the evil government of Pol Pot. Hamas publicized their crimes against Jews, and yet, the West is quick to criticize Israel. Yes, that’s Antisemitism. 

The Iranians have political control over many entities all over the world while their educated elites claim that there’s something wrong with Jewish people defending themselves. Does Israel have proxy states across the region? Do Jewish people control the media? If so, then why do many media outlets not support the State of Israel or the Jewish religion. Ethnically, there’s more Irish people who founded and/or control major US Media outlets. But this doesn’t create mass Anti-Irish sentiment. Now one is boycotting Ireland and claiming that it should be given to the British. 

The Protestant Western world is morally blinded by the manipulative media system of Hamas which tries to convince the West that Hamas should be morally tolerated as if they’re equal to Israel. Hamas murdered children in the homes of their parents while claiming that they’re equal to Jews. The grievance of Jews is justified. The attacks on Jews were done with genocidal intent. Hamas is Amalek! But the Western world doesn’t care. The West was slow to criticize the imperialism of America, but 3 weeks into the war with Hamas (Amalek), the establishment media has done little to nothing but quickly try to blame Israel (blaming the Jews).

All cultures are not equal. Jews are not equal to non-Jews. You can not compare a Jew to a Muslim. You can not compare Israel to Hamas-controlled Gaza. Hamas are the Pol Pot of Islam, and the West treats them like egalitarian freedom fighters, and that is morally hideous. There is no moral equivalence to what Hamas did. It is not even akin to anything that the Americans or even the Nazis did. 

Two nations can not share the same capital in the same land. The “peace process” is an over-marketed concept that gullible, secular-influenced Jews that think that it’s possible. The Amalekim don’t want peace with Yisrael. The “Deal of The Century”, as written by the Trump administration, was rejected by the leader of Mahmoud Abbas before even looking at it! These people hate Jews! It was never about Tzionism. It was about the desire to exterminate the Jews.

The world is full of evil abominations that were quick to assume that the bomb that hit a Baptist Hospital in Gaza (done by the PIJ) which was an issue when the evil, goyish media jumped on the Hamas-influenced story which led to Arabs, globally, believing that Jews are people who murder Goyim in hospitals. This is literally a blood-libel, and your secular media outlets were willing to believe it and promote the story. The evil, Liberal media is full of lies when it comes to Hashem, Torah, and Yisrael.

So with all of that being said, which side are you on? Do you stand on the side of Truth and Justice, or do you stand under the banner of Lies and Injustice? You must make the choice. The Torah is the Torah of Truth. Hashem gave us the words needed to promote justice. You need to make the right choice.

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