Do the Dayanim of Gittin care for the welfare of your children?

Taryag VeSheva > Gittin > Do the Dayanim of Gittin care for the welfare of your children?

Do the Dayanim of Gittin care for the welfare of your children?

The irony of the Pro-Gett movement is that the Establishment Rabbis that have a history of coercing a Gett are the ones who defend and cover-up legitimate abuse in the Jewish community. This has been noted with cases involving Pro-Gett “Rabbis” such as Willig, Belsky, and Heineman have a history of either being negligent in the cases of abuse and sometimes even defending the reputation of the alleged abuser.

So the question remains: Why is there an overlap of rabbis that support both forcing a Gett but also allowing for all sorts of other horrible things to be forced upon people in the Jewish community? Who are these dayanim? Do you trust a rabbi to help manage your divorce and child custody if they support those who endangers our children??

Many Dayanim (judges) are not interested in your well-being. They are out for their own self-interest and personal agendas. Some of these people are leading members of our communities. Be on the look out for dangerous members in leadership positions in your communities.

Parental Alienation is unjustifiable and abusive unless the blocked parent is a legitimate abuser. However, many Dayyanim and Rabbanim including those in our synagouges are insensitive towards the topic. There has not been enough done to change this in the majority of Jewish communities.

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