A Curse on Those Who Corrupt Jewish Divorce

Taryag VeSheva > Gittin > A Curse on Those Who Corrupt Jewish Divorce

A Curse on Those Who Corrupt Jewish Divorce

One can not determine the outcome of his marriage, and choosing to abstain from relationships is not emotionally healthy or conducive for spiritual growth. This endeavor is a risk that we all take when we choose it. All we can do is try our best.

When you daven for a zivug (soulmate), don’t daven to merely get married but to find a zivug that can be loyal and trustworthy. Daven that she preserves the sanctity of the Torah. Only Hashem knows who the right one is, and only He knows the true outcome of a marriage.

Divorce should be the last option in resolving marital issues, and the גט should be the last thing to take care of during this process. No normal person wants to be single. All-the-more-so, no normal person wants to bear the burden of being a single parent. And no one wants to be part of a broken family. The civilized world can not properly handle these issues.

This article gives inciteful details about the destruction of the family unit that is taking place around the world and how to deal with it. It is unfortunate that such an article needs to be written when the fundamental statements have already been explained by the Torah and the rabbanim. This article was not meant to imply that one side should be favored in judgment. It’s not about the man or the woman. It’s about the future of the nation, and that future comes from making sure that we and our descendants can pass down our traditions.

The secular culture of divorce, in the contemporary Western world, has been harming our youth for multiple generations. The destruction of the family unit has bore untold consequences on society. These issues have been running rampant and unresolved. The secular world has done little to nothing to fix these issues.

Not too long ago, an evil man named “Hitler” (ימח שמו) was able to take advantage of the issues in Germany as many men had grown up without fathers due to the tremendous casualties of Germany in World War 1. He was able to use his manipulative speaking skills to rowdy up the angry men of Germany and have them point the blame towards another group of people…

For the final conclusion, it would be great to quote from Maran HaRav Yom Tov Tzahalon (Maharit”tz) –  a student of R” Yosef Karo and R” Moshe Al-Sheikh.

He wrote the following curse:

“People that support women that rebel against their husbands…may their name be erased from all memory for supporting the strife between husband and wife…their sin is unbearable and wicked…only their burial can remedy their sins…their outstretched arm should shatter, their oath not trusted, and they  be in excommunication until they repent.”

Cursed are the women who rebel against the Torah and Ḥakhamim, and cursed are their allies.

May they vomit blood until they die. May their memory be treated like the memory of Amalek.

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