Hashem and The Bnei Yishmael

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Hashem and The Bnei Yishmael

It is known that Hashem created a great nation from the Zera Yishmael. It should also be known that Avraham Avinu gave them the gift Brith Milah. This is something that Avraham Avinu gave to both of his sons. Besides this, he gave Yishmael the understanding of Qishuf (כישוף) – Black Magic. This is how we know that the Bnei Yishmael are steeped in impurity. They also have a history of harming us even though some of them have been allies depending on which point in history. The former is more relevant to be expounded upon than the latter as we do not live in the Golden Age(s) of Islam.

According to the Rambam, who lived in a Muslim empire:

“On account of our sins God has cast us into the midst of this people, the nation of Ishmael, who persecute us severely, and who devise ways to harm us and to debase us….No nation has ever done more harm to Israel. None has matched it in debasing and humiliating us.” (Rambam, Igoreth Teman)

From Pirqei DeRabbi Eliezer:

“Upon him” (Bereshis 15:12) refers to the Yishmaelim, upon whom [Mashiach] the Son of David will flourish, as it is said: אֽוֹיְבָיו אַלְבִּ֣ישׁ בֹּ֑שֶׁת וְ֜עָלָ֗יו יָצִ֥יץ נִזְרֽוֹ
“His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon him shall his crown flourish” (Tehilim 132:18).

Rabbi Ẓe’era said: These kingdoms (Bnei Yishmael and the nations who exiled us) were created only as fuel for Gehennom, as it is said, “Behold, a smoking furnace, and a flaming torch that passed” (Bereshis 15:17). Here the word “furnace” signifies only Gehennom, which is compared to a furnace, as it is said, “Says Hashem, whose fire is in Tzion, and his furnace in Yerushalayim” (Isaiah 31:9).

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