Don’t Celebrate Galus

Taryag VeSheva > Hashkafah > Don’t Celebrate Galus

Don’t Celebrate Galus

Galus is a big concept that many people understand to some extent but not fully. The exile implies being under the powerful wings of the outside world. Celebrating being in galus can imply that one enjoys assimilating to the incompatible values of the foreign cultures that we live in. However, it goes beyond that. 

Adapting to Liberal values is an example of assimilation. The other examples are can seem much smaller but still have an impact. When one’s level of materialism prevents one from wanting to make Aliyah, this is the celebrating of living away from the spirituality that is connected to the holy land. Therefore, the entire liberal culture of materialism and its prevailing culture are against this concept of properly surviving in exile. The fact that we now have the luxury of being luxurious shouldn’t take away from our Yiddishkeit. However, for many of the Yidden that adapted to the prevailing culture and spoiled affluence, this is more common.

NYC is a place where it is assumed that it could be easier to be a religious Jew. However, there are plenty of obstacles to that (especially for people who didn’t grow up there), so for me, most of it doesn’t attract me. I don’t have a reason to live in Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, or Staten Island. These places are not desirable to me. There are some incentives to live in certain parts of Brooklyn, but even though it may see more observant (even outside of the 2 Chassidish parts of Brooklyn), they still have a relative amount of exposure to the outside world. Living around a large number of Black Hat Jewish people and Orthodox Synagogues don’t mean much if you don’t have a good rebbe and a good kehillah (community) to be involved in. So claiming that they have some type of comfort may be harder to notice for the people who are not from that city. It’s still an issue for someone to think that they will never have to leave that city. You should assume that the Geulah (גאולה) – redemption could happen at any time. We pray for it every day.

When newspapers/sites run by people of our ethnicity write articles about how we should stop trying to be a distinct nation, they are celebrating the idea that we should preserve the fundamental root of our existence. The entire ideology of Liberal-Left media is contradictory to our core tenants. Liberalism is incompatible with Jewish values. 

Bringing unholiness into the holy land is evil in a much more corrupting way. You are bringing the exile to the land by imposing various Liberal and Leftist values to the land and people of Israel. An unfortunate example is when those sexually immoral people who parade around the streets of the big cities were the advocate for a socially Liberal interpretation of the egalitarian ideology of Communism. They are not only celebrating these incompatible philosophies but they are imposing it on the one place that is not supposed to have them.  That fact that our people tolerate it is terrible…

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