When Antisemitism becomes a Warning Sign of Judgement

Taryag VeSheva > Gittin > When Antisemitism becomes a Warning Sign of Judgement

When Antisemitism becomes a Warning Sign of Judgement

If one wants to know why tragedies befall the Jewish nation, maybe the Nation of Israel should examine the actions of its people! It says, the Gemara of Shabbat 139a, that tragedies befall the Nation of Israel because of the corruption in judgment. 

אִם רָאִיתָ דּוֹר שֶׁצָּרוֹת רַבּוֹת בָּאוֹת עָלָיו — צֵא וּבְדוֹק בְּדַיָּינֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל   

“If you see a generation that has many troubles befalling it, go and examine the judges of Israel.”

It is our duty to stand up against corruption done by Jews. Chofetz Chaim writes about battling rabbinic corruption. It is not heretical to do so. It is, in fact, encouraged (Yoma 86b).

Plagues are brought down, by Hashem, to get rid of Mamzerim in Klal Yisrael. In these tragedies, He takes some righteous Jews with him so as not to embarrass the mamzer (add source). 

Corona is an excellent example of this. Corona is based on the Latin for “crown”. A crown is a hat with horns (קרן). Hashem’s demonstration of his execution of justice is when he punishes Jews for being unjust to other Jews. Hashem didn’t just kill evil Jews, He killed some righteous ones too.

Hashem isn’t sparing the rabbis either. Some proclaimed rabbis have openly supported secular legislation that promotes “Pro-Get” Laws. In the Left-Wing-influenced State of New York, the government also has some Pro-Get laws. The New York state government now requires that if someone is part of a religion that requires a religious divorce, then it would have to be done before a civil divorce is granted. This prevents the leverage of a Get to be effective. English-language countries Canada, England, Wales, Australia, and South Africa also have Pro-Get laws. Quebec has it heavily enforced. And so does The Netherlands, which makes sense when you take into consideration who the Chief Rabbi of their capital was. These people think that they are fixing the world but are actually making it worse. Judgment will be upon them for this.

The idea that the Jews would beg for the government to intervene in the internal affairs of the Jewish people is horrendous. Never, in history, have Jews begged for the Non-Jews to step in and interfere with the Jewish religion itself. The closest thing to it was during the Ḥasmonean Dynasty’s Civil War, between two brothers Hyrcanus and Aristobulus II, when the adviser of Hyrcanus, a convert from Edom, convinced Hyrcanus to have the Romans take over Israel in order to help him depose of his brother. The chain-reaction of events led to the destruction of the second temple and subsequent exile of the Jewish people. We are still in Galut Edom.

The adviser, of Edomite descent, destroyed the Jewish nation from within. Likewise, these evil, westernized Jews (those plagued with heretical ideologies) are destroying our nation from within. 

Even with the Absolute Monarchies of Christian Europe, the Jewish religion (itself) wasn’t being threatened by most governments (not even the Facsist dictatorship of Italy). This isn’t to say that such did not happen, but even when it did, the Jewish community was most certainly not begging for the goyish governments to intervene in their affairs. For most of European-Christian history, Jews had separate communities which were culturally autonomous in terms of the practice of the Jewish faith and performance of Jewish tradition.

Many religious Jews have been complaining about the growth of Shmad (forced secularism) in Israel. This includes a military draft on religious Jewish women. There has been bureaucratic interference in the curriculum of Ḥaredi schools which has also been an issue in various American states. This is divine retribution for the desecration of holiness that Jewish women, themselves, have been involved with. Their selfishness has created a monster that is destroying Klal Yisrael. The rabbinic leaders [but not Gedolim] of our generation are to blame for failing to prevent this catastrophe from affecting us. 

Did they ever stop and once think that the shmad is a punishment from Hashem for endorsing wicked rabbis in their own communities? Why does it surprise people that on the 21st anniversary of 9-11, the New York York Times dedicated an article bashing Religious Jewish schools? Maybe Hashem was trying to show us a message. Of course, no Jew took the article seriously, but it must show something that this is the thing they want to discuss on the anniversary of a catastrophe that many people remember.

Neither the Eidah (Religiously-Approved Rabbis) nor the Rabbanut (Government-approved Rabbis) are not willing to claim that the divine decree of shmad is because of the actions of so-called “religious” Jews. Although, it should be noted that the Eidah, more than Satmar of America, has stood up against the lunacy of the modern world.  You won’t find Yeshivish or Satmar news outlets claiming that we Jews are responsible for this even though the contemporary sages of Klal Yisrael have openly claimed to oppose the Pro-Get attitudes of Liberal Jews.

Now what do Liberal Jews, who don’t keep the Torah, have to do with the Jews who adamantly keep it? Hashem treats us like a monolith, so the sick crimes done by the Hilonim do matter and really affect us. This grand idea can be explained by Rabbi Avigdor Miller:

“So what is this business that sinas chinam, that causeless hatred caused the churban. It says in the Gemara that causeless hatred caused the destruction. So many Jews think it means that the Jews hated each other, that frum Jews hated each other. That’s what they think. They think that the whole nation at that time were all frum Jews, all talmidei chachamim, and they were all busy hating each other. And that’s why the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed! 

But that’s as silly as it could be. It’s not realistic at all! They didn’t hate; the frum Jews loved each other! In those days, the whole nation, the Am HaTorah, was divided into followers of Beis Shammai and followers of Beis Hillel. The entire Jewish nation was divided into those who followed Beis Shammai and those who followed Beis Hillel. These were the two great assemblies of Torah sages. There wasn’t anybody else that was of the shelomei emunei Yisroel, of frum Jews. We’re not talking about the reshaim. True Jews all were talmidim of Beis Shammai or of Beis Hillel

And the Gemara (Yevamos 14b) says openly that the talmidim of Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel loved each other. These two schools, although they had different opinions on some things, even on very important things, but they loved each other. שהיו אוהבים זה את זה – They loved one another, לקיים מה שנאמר – in order to fulfill the pasuk of, האמת והשלום אהבו – Love the truth but love peace too. They loved the truth; that’s why each one stuck to his opinions but they loved peace too.

And the Gemara talks about that. The Gemara dilates on how they loved each other. Now if Beis Shammai loved Beis Hillel and vice versa so Beis Shammai certainly loved Beis Shammai. And Beis Hillel loved Beis Hillel. It doesn’t make sense that Beis Hillel loved Beis Shammai but they didn’t love their own people. It’s ridiculous. The Jewish people loved each other – there was no sinas chinam.

I once saw that an adam gadol wrote – I won’t mention his name – he was misled, and on the strength of this ma’amar that the Beis Hamikdash was laid waste because of sinas chinam, he wrote that unfortunately the frum Jews were too critical of each other and they sometimes suspected each other of not being frum enough. Now, that’s just taken out of thin air! There is no authority for that at all anywhere!

So what does it mean that there was sinas chinam? Who were the ones who hated for nothing? These were the Tzedukim. There were irreligious Jews there too who were not of Beis Shammai or Beis Hillel. The Tzedukim hated the sages! That’s the sinas chinam!

You’ll ask a question: So because the Tzedukim, the wicked people, hated the sages, therefore the Jewish nation is responsible? The answer is yes, because they were also Jews. When Jews are wicked the entire Jewish nation is responsible. That’s a great principle in the Torah. We are treated as one individual. Kol Yisroel areivim zeh la’zeh – all of Yisroel are guarantors for one another means that we’re one body, we’re one person. And therefore we were held responsible for the misdeeds of Kamtza bar Kamtza and the Tzedukim and all those who hated the chachamim.” -Tape #107”

Anti-Semitism: Get Meusah, Ḥillul Hashem, and The Sephardic Jews of America

From 2018 (5778) onward, we have witnessed a sharp rise of Antisemitism in the United States. It’s not to say that Antisemitism opinions didn’t exist in American society but rather that the increase in Anti-Semitic actions have strongly increased and have become prevalent in certain regions of the US.

The question that many Jews are asking is: Why is this happening? Why is there a current increase in Antisemitism? The first note is the excess, causeless hatred (שנאת חינם) caused by the vilification of Anti-Vaxxers this time frame, but there’s a form of שנאת חינם that’s more extreme than that. It has to do with שנאה in the area of divorce. The controversies behind this topic require an extensive, in-depth analysis of the topic in order to better understand this issue. The fuel was already there for the haters of Jews (שונאי ישראל), but the fire was only lit recently.

The things being done in the name of “True Torah Judaism” are completely, if not ironically, against the Torah of Truth, and little to nothing is being done about it. We’re responsible for the shmading of our children – especially our daughters. We raise them to be more selfish than prostitutes of previous generations, but then, we complain that the secular governments are forcing them into secular society. How hypocritically idiotic is that. Hashem is not finished persecuting religious Jews until they actually start keeping the Torah the way our sages (of blessed memory) wanted the commandments to be kept.

The Rabbanut has done little to nothing in preventing the majority of גיטין cases from getting out of hand. In fact, they have done quite the opposite. They have supported jailing husbands if they’re accused of refusing Get refusal. Even Rabbanim that are more Ḥaredi than the Rabbanut have done little to stop the Feminist-influenced Agunah crisis. In fact, they’ve perpetuated it with their tactics. R” Chaim Kanievsky (זצוק״ל) condemned their practices. 

 In 2019, the Rabbanut began to interfere with the גט of Meir Kin. They knowingly interfered with the case that was not under their jurisdiction (the State of Israel), and fast-forward to the Terrorist conflict in 2021, the ICC attempts attempts to probe Israel for “war crimes” committed by the Israeli military (all of which were acts of self-defense against Radical Islamic Terrorism). Perhaps this is a sign from Hashem that the Medinah and Rabbanut should consider not interfering with foreign court cases. Maybe Hashem would punish Israel with foreign courts much less if they (Israel) stopped interfering with things that are beyond the Israeli jurisdiction.

And if you want to “test” the relationship that the United States and Israel have, go research the cases of what happens when an American or Israeli attempts to visit the other country during or after a divorce case. Does this seem like a state that is benevolent towards Jewish people?

Some of the authentic rabbanim, promoting the truth, have said that Hashem brought the sword upon the world because of the immorality caused by sexual immorality (which includes those that from an improper divorce). The rise of terrorism by ISIS was only after the desecration of marriage as done by card-carrying Orthodox Jews in America.

It is apparent that Hashem is not happy with how the Jews are behaving, but what Hashem hates even more is when Jewish leaders are promoting this spiritual filth. When the leaders of our nation are the problem, then you know that we are in trouble.

After many married women were given a גט מעושה due to the Pro-Agunah protests in Spring of 2021, we were given an enormous amount of Islamic terrorism to deal with all over the world. This included the highest rise of Antisemitism in the developed world since the Holocaust!

Hashem sent the Bnei Yishmael against us because some of our leaders decided that adultery from a גט מעושה was acceptable. Some self-identified “Orthodox” Jews think that the sexually immoral activities are somehow acceptable in modern society. The normalization of immorality might be Hashem’s reason for punishing Jews. Hashem has given us the sword!

Now, why would we conclude that the rise in Antisemitism in the Muslim world has anything to do with the Pro-Get issue? During the lockdown era which was right before the brief period of Pro-Get mobs were ruining the reputation of Klal Yisrael with their campaigns of picketing and public humiliation. During the lockdown era, several Arab-Muslim countries began to recognize the State of Israel and accepted an influx of Jews. An American-Muslim advocacy group even defended the rights of Jews in New York during the brief time period where the Cuomo administration had red-zones directly placed on Frum areas that were exclusively targeting the Jewish communities of New York.

Now, fast forward to the spring-time after this era, before Pesach (5781), and you will see the Modox-led Pro-Get protests which were nothing but a Chillul Hashem – desecration of The Name [of G-d]. Many misguided Jews in the Syrian Jewish Communities of Flatbush and Deal were creating public campaigns against 3 Jewish even going as far as threatening to confront them at their home and also hiring thugs to threaten to kill the father of one of the three alleged Gett refusers. Abraham Manopla (Mexican Pacino) and Murray Betesh were directly involved in this campaign using the world wide web. Even Eli Mansour, a public speaker and pulpit rabbi for the Ba’al Ha-Batim [for the Syrian Jews] of Flatbush was involved in these protests despite the fact that he recorded a lecture where he says that it’s wrong to publicly embarrass a Jew. What a hypocrite he is for also attending protests that wrongfully assumed that it was ok to humiliate a man over a Gett.

These activists created protests to promote 3 Jewish women: Michelle Abtan Amsallem, Evet Balas Hafif, and Elizabeth Kairey Hirsch. There were violent demonstrations against multiple Jewish men in Flatbush, and the Agunah activists tried to prevent the police from getting involved when Mr. Hafif had called them in to protect him from an angry mob of Jews. One activist even tried to have Mr. Hafif fired.

Elizabeth Kairey ran away from the home of her husband, Elliot Hirsch, with their daughter. This was an act of kidnapping. She has sought to alienate her husband from their daughter. Elliot went to a Beis Din where the matters could be negotiated, but she got her relative, “Rabbi” Eli Mansour to promote her interest in divorce. And “Rabbis” David Ozeri and David Masolton also got involved in this religous divorce case. Even Hatzalah got involved by donating to the campaign to help Elizabeth get the “Gett” she wants but not the one she deserves. In Spring of 5781 (2021), there were protests in front of the homes of these people. And the father of Elliot Hirsch was threatened by thugs because of the actions of his sons. To the defense of Elliot, he is justified in what he is doing by going to a Beit Din when his wife went to Arkaot – non-Jewish courts. Because of bribery, which may have come from Ba’al Ha-Bayit Harry Adjimi, Elliot Hirsch gave a Gett Meusah through the Beit Din of Yitzchak Yisraeli.

Anyone who attended these rallies knows that these Feminists activists are women of ill-repute. These were not Observant Jewish women. Besides the infamous ORA, there is Lev Agunot – another organization that claims to help Agunot but is a front for ideologies against the Torah. They were involved in some of these barbaric protests done in the name of Feminism and Modern-Orthodoxy.  Murray Betesh implied, in a recording, that he and his associates put Mr. Hafif in jail.

Now, after these dramatic protests, what did Klal Yisrael experience? An increase in tragedies in Klal Yisrael including the 45 deaths at the Kever of Rashbi on Lag B’Omer and the collapse of a building in Surfside – two events so tragic that Biden and Putin gave condolences for the victims. These events took place in a time period where there were dramatic increases in the number of physical attacks on Ḥaredi men in Israel by Arabs/Muslims, and there was open vilification of Jews in every major city by Muslims in the form of protests, public shaming, threats and violence, and in some cases, actual violence.

How were the acts of Arabs and Muslims publicly humiliating Jews for being Jews any different than us Jews publicly shaming Jewish men for preserving the rights granted in the Torah. The vilification of Jews by [other] Jews led to the vilification of Jews in general. Hashem was giving us a punishment. מידה כנגד מידה!

Don’t think that it’s only because of the most secular Jews that Hashem is furious with the actions of His people. Those secular Jews live a lifestyle devoid of an objective morality, but the infiltration of evil in religious Jewish society is something that Hashem is more against because it destroys the Jews were born into holy families.

Soon after the aforementioned protests, public speaker YY Jacobson, made a public video with a Dayan – Avi Kahan. Together, they promoted the Feminist understanding of Gittin. And if that wasn’t enough, there was a second video made with the same people. Then, they decided to replace YY Jacobson with a learned rabbi – Yosef Feigelstock of Argentina. He also used his rabbinic mindset to promote cases where a Gett can be forced without rendering it pasul, but his words twist the true meaning of the Halakhah. Avi Kahan is an apikoros who is a manipulator of Hebrew terms like the word “עגונה“. It is spiritually dangerous to rely on this dayyan for anything! He is a danger to society.

Rabbi and Dayan Pinchos Rabinowitz was involved in two of these three procured gittim in Flatbush. He knew that these religious divorces were invalid when they were being produced, but later decided to do Teshuvah (repentance) and make a public document claiming that the Gittin of Hafif and Abtan were invalid. If these women remarry, it would be adultery. The same applies to Elizabeth Kairey. Social Activist, Heshy Tischler, was involved in the protests of Elliot Hirsch but later decided to apologize after he realized that he was not given all of the facts on the case. He decided to apologize.

A Jew called Radio Host, Zev Brenner, to discuss issues pertaining to the Gett of Evet Balas-Hafif and criticized Eli Mansour. The truth has been told, and currently, there’s lawsuits against Mansour and Manapola because of their case of attempted harm to these innocent Jewish husbands. And Mansour had the Chutzpah to claim that he doesn’t believe a Gett can be forced even though he was openly involved in those protests. Eli Mansour is a hypocrite who does not deserve honor. He also has no right to be called a Rabbi even if he is the Pulpit Rabbi of a synagogue in Flatbush.

Years later, Klal Yisrael felt the national tragedy on Shemini Atzeret 5784 (7 October 2023). One of the most shocking parts of this wasn’t that fact that there were Goyim who murdered Yehudim. That has been happening for thousands of years. Rather, the shocking part of this national tragedy it was there incentive to kidnap Jewish children and keep them hostage. Now, what exactly was Hashem telling us to be sensitive towards? Well, in this case, it’s the topic of parental alienation. Clearly, Hashem wants us to be disgusted by the idea of using Goyim to kidnap Jewish children via Family Courts and CPS.

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