Gerushin: Meir Kin vs Lonna Ralbag

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Gerushin: Meir Kin vs Lonna Ralbag

Yisrael Meir Kin of LA married Lonna Ralbag from Monsey, NY. Both Meir and Lonna were divorced prior to this marriage. Meir’s previous divorce did not involve any litigation against him, and he had normal visitation rights to his daughter.

Meir Kin comes from a family of people who have contributed to the Jewish communities of Los Angeles, California. His brother, Ha-Rav Eliyahu Kin, is a respectable rabbi in the community who is involved with outreach.

Before Lonna’s marriage to Meir Kin, she had a divorce with Mr. Steven Presser, and Lonna Ralbag lost full custody of their son but attained complete custody of their daughters and used the secular court to steal from her husband. She has alienated their daughters from their biological father by preventing them from having any contact with their father before adulthood.

Meir Kin and Lonna Ralbag were married for 3 years in Monsey, NY and had one son together. They were living with the daughters of Steven Presser… Meir noticed that she had done some nefarious activities on her computer. He wanted to consult her on this which led to many issues.

Later, she filed a petition for divorce in the Rockland County family court, and she litigated him in civil court. She relied on the courts of the non-Jews to get what she wanted…

It is a sin to litigate another Jew in Non-Jewish courts, and it is a sin to assist such a person in this matter. A person who litigates in secular court deserves excommunication (Ḥoshen Mishpat 26:1 – Rema’s Commentary). There’s very few exceptions. None of them include litigating a husband in matters of divorce.

Lonna tried to file a petition of divorce through the county’s supreme court. The judge ordered Lonna to hand-over the computer(s) for examination. She deleted the files from her computer against the court’s orders, and her lawyer dismissed the entire divorce petition because she did not want evidence against her to be put on trial.

 She declined to legally divorce her husband but then, immediately, put a gag-order via Family Court to limit what incriminating information Meir Kin can reveal that would help him win the case. It also prevents him being allowed to legally share the information that was on that computer even to a religious court. Because of the problems created by this gag-order, Meir Kin lost custody of his son even though they were not yet civilly divorced.

Lonna’s wealthy father was able to financially support this difficult litigation process. Meir did not have the money of wealthy parents to help deal with this nonsense. Lonna was not a “poor woman”, but she does pretend to be an “oppressed” woman despite being an entitled, privileged person. Lonna has the status of a מורדת and is not entitled to a גט, but even if she is given one, he is not obligated to pay the money for forfeiting the כתובה. This is stated in the Shulkhan Arukh Even Ha-Ezer 77:2 which also states that one can make public proclamations about her rebellious behavior. One justified in publicly humiliating a rebellious wife.

A fair number of Monsey rabbanim have written letters that condemn Lonna’s wicked behavior. Despite this, she has yet to be banned from most shuls, and there haven’t been many protests done from the opposition. The excess details on Lonna Ralbag are relevant because these recurring facts display a pattern of behavior in which she goes against הלכה, and these tactics are done by an unfair number of Jewish women.

Meir Kin gave a גט to Beis Din Shaar Ha-Mishpat in Monsey, NY in 2008, but she did not accept it because for her to accept such a גט, she would have to end her campaign against her husband which means ending the litigations of his assets and ending demonstrations against him. She would also have to remove all prohibitions that prevent him from praying in any Beit Tefillah. Rabbi Gestetner runs this בית דין. He has his own history with these issues because a גט מעושה was given to his own sister – Chayla..

Rabbi Gestetner wants the גט to be kosher. Wouldn’t any Rabbi want it to be kosher? Not the Rabbis of the BDA. Lonna Ralbag is not interested in receiving a גט.

From the two גיטין given by Meir Kin, both were made in a decent and appropriate manner. Meir Kin did not violate הלכה when getting divorced from either of his previous wives. He has displayed no pattern of Get refusal. A סירוב can not be placed on a man if he chooses a different בית דין since he is compliant with הלכה and not avoiding justice (add source).

Nepotism: Corruption in Rabbinic Families

Aryeh Ralbag is the rabbi of Young Israel Avenue K (Flatbush), former Chief Rabbi of Amsterdam, and cousin of Lonna Ralbag. Aryeh Ralbag runs Agudas HaRabbonim – a Beis Din that once included Yisroel Belsky (niftar). Aryeh Ralbag has also boasted to a news site about his history of coercing Gittim in multiple countries.

Aryeh Ralbag told her not to trust Beis Din Shaar Ha-Mishpat. Because she did not accept the גט, there is a סירוב on her from the בית דין of Rabbi Gestetner as well as the בית דין of Rabbi Moshe Gobioff of Beis Din Even HaMishpat. The culturally “progressive” rabbis didn’t take that סירוב seriously, and she hasn’t not been excommunicated from any relevant venues or events despite being a legitimate Get refuser.

Lonna has not had her name slandered in random places in Monsey while Meir hasn’t been able to have a normal relationship with his son. Lonna is abusing her son by not allowing him to have a normal father-son relationship. This is one of the most damaging aspects to his youth. A male needs a father figure, and Meir Kin’s son did not have one for most of his childhood because Lonna alienated him from his father.

Lonna Ralbag Kin decided to get more of her rabbinic relatives involved in the case. This “rabbi” is a rav in Flatbush for the Young Israel of Avenue K who runs a בית דין there. The Young Israel movement is a Modern-Orthodox movement, and Rabbi Ralbag is the Rosh Ha-Kashrut of Triangle-K – a Kashrut agency that uses leniencies that do not make their labeled products kosher according to the standards of Orthodoxy. He had labeled the meat of “Hebrew National” as kosher.

The location of the בית דין that Aryeh Ralbag uses is his synagogue. They made a סירוב on Meir Kin. One of the rabbis on this בית דין included the prominent rabbi Yisroel Belsky who taught Meir Kin in Yeshivah. He later apologized to Meir Kin for ruling against him in בית דין but never redacted his signature…It is unfortunate that Belsky was pulled into these matters since he was a Rosh Ha-Yeshivah, but then again, while being the Rosh Ha-Yeshivah of Torah VoDaath, he was also a Kashrut adviser at OU… Was there a reason for this בית דין to get involved in a case that they are part of? Due to the selfish intentions of Lonna, she was able to get her rabbinic relatives to make attempts at ruining Meir’s life.

Unfortunately, the fake Modox “rabbis”, who support the ORA, have labeled Meir Kin “Get refuser” despite the fact that he already gave it…He was afraid of what would happen if he stayed in NY, so he relocated to LA where he was able to divorce his wife through a civil court.

It is also where his parents live. Lonna Ralbag Kin, caused trouble for him in LA because of her rabbinic connections which might also include rabbis (in LA) that she is related to. The בית דין of the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) put a סירוב against Meir Kin. The Rabbanim in LA had no jurisdiction in a divorce case in Monsey, but in order for Meir Kin to make things easier for himself, he decided to sign an arbitration agreement with a Beis Din in California featuring the Rabbanim: Teichmen, Tauber, and Douek. The RCC did not agree to this and still continued their campaign against him.

The סירוב created by the RCC’s Beis Din includes Avraham Union, Nachum Sauer, and Berish Goldenberg who asked his signature to be removed since he realized he was tricked into signing this document. Avrahom Union follows the money, for in a different divorce case, he did not force an LA man to give a Gett to his wife who litigated him.

Gerhson Bess, an affiliate of the RCC, wrote a dishonest claim that the סירוב was removed because Meir Kin had [allegedly] entered meditation with Meir and Lonna, but this was proven to be false. The RCC put a new סירוב on Meir Kin.

Since Rabbi Goldenberg did not want to be part of the campaign against Meir Kin, the RCC got Herschel Schachter of YU to sign this new סירוב against Meir Kin. A סירוב has been put on Schachter by Beis Din Shar HaMishpot for refusing to attend a hearing that wishes to determine if his ideas (on Gittin) are valid.

Gershon Bess has received a סירוב from Bais Din Lishkas Hagozis of Monsey, NY for violating הלכה when it comes to misusing the powers of justice in the case of Meir Kin. This court is praiseworthy for standing up against corrupt people like those in the RCC. Avraham Union, Gershon Bess, and Nachun Sauer are corrupt cowards who use prejudice and take bribes. They are not fit to be judges.

The RCC interfered with a divorce case that wasn’t their case, and Meir was banned from many synagogues in Los Angeles. The soft-spoken rabbinic administrators at the RCC [socially] destroyed Meir’s life with mere documents. The ORA protested in front of his workplace which caused him to lose his job. Lonna Ralbag, Rabbi Ralbag, the RCC, and the ORA have destroyed many aspects of Meir Kin’s life. 

In 2014, Meir Kin married another woman in Las Vegas. Yes, Meir got married while being halachically married to another woman! According to הלכה, Meir Kin has two wives.This is due to Lonna anchoring herself to the marriage by being an pretending to be an עגונה who refuses to properly divorce her husband. 

The ORA protested Meir Kin’s polygamous wedding, and he was subsequently banned from every synagogue in Las Vegas. Even in the open-minded city of Las Vegas, there are close-minded people who hold bigotry in their hearts. This demonstrates the evil double-standard in Liberal society. 

This entire case shows how a sick woman can destroy the life of a man. It should be noted that she’s made it difficult for her previous ex-husband. She pretends to be a victim when it is her own fault. She used dishonest methods to manipulate the system to favor her, and tried to make an appeal in civil court, but this failed. Her appeal was dismissed. We could assume that the judge could see the lies after she dragged it out for a year. She is refusing to divorce her husband under normal means. She’s wasted her money and his money on this case. She is a vile woman, and it is forbidden to conduct any business with her.

Due to parental alienation, Meir’s son displays discontent with his father because of the brainwashing caused by the son’s mother as well as not being accustomed to his father. This son (now closer to adulthood) does not understand the behavior he was socially isolated from his father. She has turned their son against his father.

Nepotism: The Involvement of David Lau

The story gets worse. In 2019, Meir’s mother died. She was sent to be buried in Eretz Yisrael. In the holy land, a Jewish corpse must be buried immediately, but Rabbi David Lau, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of the Israeli Rabbinate, who married a Ralbag, tried to delay the burial of Meir Kin’s mother by 6 hours in order to pressure Meir Kin to give his wife a גט despite the fact that he already deposited one years earlier. Lau probably messaged Meir Kin probably because of the fact that he received a letter from Aryeh Ralbag via the OU.

Ironically, Chief Rabbi David Lau has publicly acknowledged that most Get refusers are women and has even allowed the Jerusalem Regional Rabbinic Court to issue a fine against a woman who refused a גט from her husband when she decided to litigate her husband in secular court.

The ORA viciously protested in front of the Shivah home of the Kin family. They vilified a mourning family with a public rally against the deceased’s son by publicly shaming the family. If these protests do not repent, then they have no share in the World to Come.

In the case of Meir Kin, a גט has been waiting for Lonna Ralbag for over a decade, but she has refused a Get from her husband. Thus, she is a legitimate Get refuser. The Jewish media will not publicly acknowledge this. This includes Orthodox websites… 

We have already established that Meir Kin had already given his wife a Get, but the wife has merely been choosing to prefer a different בית דין. Unfortunately, Meir is still considered a Get refuser in the eyes of the Modern-Orthodox Feminists, and there were protests in front of the Shiva house he was in. There were Jewish people protesting in front of the house of a Jewish mourner. This is evil in the eyes of Hashem. It is a form of unjustifiable, baseless hatred (שנאת חינם) – hatred without any justification.

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple) was destroyed by the evil Romans. Why did Hashem destroy His own house that worships him? Because the emotions of שנאת חינם caused the perversion of the Jewish religion. Jews used the distortion of הלכה as a way to harm other Jews.

Several months after the burial of Meir’s mother, the world experienced the beginning of the Corona Pandemic and lockdown season that spring. The whole world felt what Meir Kin and others (in his situation) have had to endure. The injustice that Jews do to other Jews is one of the many reasons why Hashem punished the Jews with the lockdowns of the Corona-Virus Pandemic.

4 thoughts on “Gerushin: Meir Kin vs Lonna Ralbag

  1. Well done. The information seems to be quite accurate from my research as well. Thank you for showing support to an upright just man.

  2. As someone who knows the story, this article is the most accurate one I’ve ever seen. As far as the RCC you’re dealing with a mafia style corrupt rabbis. They have no shame, they know how to desecrate the Torah the latest campaign to put pressure on the family by issuing a ruling not to allow the transport of Americans father after 120 when he passes to be transported to Israel for burial. They clearly state in the ruling that this action is just to put pressure on the family.

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